why can not read data from bulkin endpoint 0x86
烧写了slavefifo的固件 slave.iic到芯片的eeprom里了。用自带的 streamer.exe和bulkloop.exe但是只能写,但时回读不到数据。 但是同样的硬件,用labview却是可以读写数据的。
I am using C68013 chip. I have downloaded the firmware from AN61345 - Source code slave fifo slave.iic.
using the newest driver by 11/08/2017 on windows 7 x64.
the FPGA code is OK, we can wirte and read data using NI-VISA driver and Labview program.
I can write the data to C68013, but can not read data from C68013.
Here is the VC++ code. I also used the usb bus hound to look the data , there is also no data in to PC.
please help me, thank you very much!
// out endpoint is ok
bool UsbTest::SendUsbData(unsigned char *wdata, long writeLength)
CCyUSBEndPoint *epBulkOut = m_usbDev->EndPointOf(2);
bool rst = epBulkOut->XferData(wdata, writeLength);
printf("send usb data ok\n");
return rst;
void UsbTest::RecvUsbData()
long nCount = 0;
long BytesXferred = 0;
long outTransferred = 0;
bool m_bBulkLoopCompleted = false;
CCyUSBEndPoint *epBulkIn = m_usbDev->EndPointOf(0x86); // in传输 0x86
if (NULL == epBulkIn)
printf("epBulkIn is NULL\n");
long totalTransferSize = epBulkIn->MaxPktSize * 16;
//epBulkIn->TimeOut = 1200;
unsigned char data[512] = { 0 };
inOvLap.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
long readLength = 10;
UCHAR *inContext = epBulkIn->BeginDataXfer(data, readLength, &inOvLap);
if (epBulkIn->NtStatus || epBulkIn->UsbdStatus)
printf("BeginDataXfer Failed with (NT Status = 0x%X and USBD Status = 0x%X). Bailing out...\n", epBulkIn->NtStatus, epBulkIn->UsbdStatus);
//////////Wait till the transfer completion..///////////////////////////
if (!epBulkIn->WaitForXfer(&inOvLap, 150))
if (epBulkIn->LastError == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
WaitForSingleObject(inOvLap.hEvent, 1500);
////////////Read the trasnferred data from the device///////////////////////////////////////
bool success = epBulkIn->FinishDataXfer(data, readLength, &inOvLap, inContext);
printf("read usb data ok\n");
for (int idx = 0; idx < 64; ++idx)
printf(" 0x%x, ", data[idx]);
} |