Innovative network and processor debug
– Non-intrusive hardware packet trace
– Serial wire/JTAG interface
另外又在 DEBUG 部分描述:
Debug support
The STM32W108 includes a standard Serial Wire and JTAG (SWJ) Interface. The SWJ is
the primary debug and programming interface of the STM32W108. The SWJ gives debug
tools access to the internal buses of the STM32W108, and allows for non-intrusive memory
and register access as well as CPU halt-step style debugging. Therefore, any design
implementing the STM32W108 should make the SWJ signals readily available.
Serial Wire is an ARM® standard, bi-directional, two-wire protocol designed to replace
JTAG, and provides all the normal JTAG debug and test functionality. JTAG is a standard
five-wire protocol providing debug and test functionality. In addition, the two Serial Wire
signals (SWDIO and SWCLK) are overlaid on two of the JTAG signals (JTMS and JTCK).
This keeps the design compact and allows debug tools to switch between Serial Wire and
JTAG as needed, without changing pin connections.