
orcad里split part生成库‘GND’出现warning,不更新的问题

orcad中 用split part的方式在 excel编辑好后,生成原理图库的时候 复制进来后,save报warning ‘GND'  然后在lib里看有几个地方和这个表格有出入,少了脚有人碰到过没






mm7989680|  楼主 | 2019-4-29 09:40 | 只看该作者
知道了,脚还有,但是excel复制到split part表格时,有的脚自动排序了


mm7989680|  楼主 | 2019-4-29 09:55 | 只看该作者
Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet

The Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet allows you to divide a part into multiple sections.

Each row in the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet corresponds to a pin while each column corresponds to properties associated with the pins. The property names are listed as the column header. You can sort a property by double-clicking its column header.

Part Name--Displays the name of the part. This is a non-editable field.

Part Ref Prefix--Displays the part reference. This is a non-editable field.

You need to select a single-sectioned part from a library. You can split a multi-sectioned part only when it has already been split using the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet.

To sort on any property, double-click its name in the column header.

You can hide or show a property column in the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet. To do this, right-click the property column header you want to hide and select Hide from the pop-up menu. The selected property column will not appear now. To show a property column, right-click the property column header next, on the right-hand side of the hidden property column and select Unhide from the pop-up menu. The hidden property column appears in the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet. Alternatively, you can show a property column by:

Double-clicking the column handle () of the property column header.

Dragging the column handle of the property column header.
(only the last two methods can be used to show a property column, which is the last column in the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet).
You can change the order in which the property columns appear in the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet. To do this, select the property column header you want to move and drag and drop it to the location where you want it in the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet.

You can use standard copy and paste feature to copy all data from the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet to MS Excel. You can later use the MS Excel file for archiving or documentation. It is recommended that you avoid using MS Excel to paste information into the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet window is resizable. You can resize the window using the resize cursor you see when you move the mouse pointer to any of the edges of the dialog. You can also use the standard Maximize button on the top right corner of the window.

Use this control...

To do this...

Part Numbering

Specify a numbering format (alphabetic or numeric) that should be added as suffix to the current part reference for the split part.

If you select Alphabetic, an alphabet (between A to Z) will be added as a suffix to the current part reference for each of the split parts.

If you select Numeric, a number (between 1 and 1024) will be added as a suffix to the current part reference for each of the split parts.

Note: The Section property column changes based on your selection in the Part Numbering group. For example, if Alphabetic is selected, the Section property column displays "A".

No. of Sections

Specify the number of sections you want to have in the split part.

Note: If you select alphabetic numbering, then you can create up to a maximum of 26 sections only. If you select numeric numbering, then you can create up to a maximum of 1024 sections.


Specify the pin number.


Specify the name of the pin.


Specify the type of pin. To change a pin type, select the Type cell, and select Input, Output, Passive, Open Emitter, Open collector, 3 State, Bidirectional, or Power.

You can select the Type cells for multiple pins simultaneously using the SHIFT+Down Arrow keys and then enter the pin type. The selected Type cells get populated with the pin type of your choice. Alternatively, you can:

Select the Type cells for multiple pins simultaneously using the SHIFT+Left mouse button click, then press the CTRL key, and then select a pin type of your choice from the list box. The selected Type cells get populated with the pin type of your choice.

Click the first cell of the range, and then drag to the last cell, and then enter the pin type of your choice. The selected Type cells get populated with the pin type of your choice.
(You can use these methods to make selection in the Shape, Position, and Section property column list boxes also).

Specify a shape for the pin. To change a pin shape, select the Shape cell, and select Clock, Dot, Dot-Clock, Line, Short, Short Clock, Short Dot, Short Dot-Clock, Zero length.


Specify a value for each swappable (input) pin of the part.


Specify the pin position as left, right, top or bottom. To change position for a pin, select the Position cell, and select Left, Right, Top, or Bottom.


Specify a section number. By default, all pins are assigned the sections 1 or A depending on the selection made in the Part Numbering group.

To change a section for a pin, select the Section cell, and select the required section number from the list.

You can select Section cells for multiple pins simultaneously using the SHIFT+Down arrow keys and enter the section number. Alternatively, you can:

Select the Section cells for multiple pins simultaneously using the SHIFT+Left mouse button click, then press the CTRL key, and then select a section number of your choice from the list box. The selected Section cells get populated with the section number of your choice.

Click the first cell of the range, and then drag to the last cell, and then enter the section number of your choice. The selected Section cells get populated with the section number of your choice.

You can select alternate Section cells for multiple pins simultaneously using the CTRL+Left mouse button click and enter the section number.
Add Pins

Add new pins at the end of the current pin set in the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet.

Delete Pins

Delete selected row containing the pin information from the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet.

Once you delete a pin from the Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet, you cannot retrieve it later.

Splits the part into multiple sections as specified in the Section property column and saves the current part.

If any warnings are generated during the save operation, a message box appears asking you whether you want to view the warnings. If you want to view the warnings, click the View Warnings button. The Split Part Section Input Spreadsheet expands and displays a grid showing warnings messages. If you select the Continue button, the split part is saved as is.

Hide Warnings

Hide the warning messages.

Show Warnings

Show the warning messages again.

Save As

Retain the original part and save the changed part as a new part in the same library.


mm7989680|  楼主 | 2020-2-15 21:40 | 只看该作者


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