其中第1字节的第8Bit(如图中00-50-BA-...对应的00000000-01010000-10111010-...,加粗字体的Bit)标识这个地址是组播地址还是单播地址。这是由以太网的传输协议高字节先传,但每一字节内低位先传的特性所决定的,见IEEE 802.3 3.2.3 Address fields: "The first bit (LSB) shall be used in the Destination Address field as an address type designation bit to identify the Destination Address either as an individual or as a group address. If this bit is 0, it shall indicate that the address field contains an individual address. If this bit is 1, it shall indicate that the address field contains a group address that identifies none, one or more, or all of the stations connected to the LAN. In the Source Address field, the first bit is reserved and set to 0."。事实上这传输的顺序为000000000000101001011101..."The first bit (LSB)"即是前言的第8Bit。