// Note: The pre-REVE EPxGPIFTCH/L register are affected, as well...
// ...these have been replaced by GPIFTC[B3:B0] registers
// default: all endpoints have their VALID bit set
// default: TYPE1 = 1 and TYPE0 = 0 --> BULK
// default: EP2 and EP4 DIR bits are 0 (OUT direction)
// default: EP6 and EP8 DIR bits are 1 (IN direction)
// default: EP2, EP4, EP6, and EP8 are double buffered
// we are just using the default values, yes this is not necessary...
REVCTL = 0x03; // MUST set REVCTL.0 and REVCTL.1 to 1
// out endpoints do not come up armed
// since the defaults are double buffered we must write dummy byte counts twice
EP2BCL = 0x80; // arm EP2OUT by writing byte count w/skip.
EP2BCL = 0x80;
EP6BCL = 0x80; // arm EP4OUT by writing byte count w/skip.
EP6BCL = 0x80;