** ERROR #A51 IN 3094 (E:\PSOC\My-shiyan\out_io\out_io.cydsn\main.src, LINE 118): TARGET OUT OF RANGE
The command 'Ax51.exe' failed with exit code '2'.
代码如下:也不知道错误信息中的不知道code '2'代表什么?
#include <device.h>
void main()
/* Place your initialization/startup code here (e.g. MyInst_Start()) */
/* CyGlobalIntEnable; */ /* Uncomment this line to enable global interrupts. */
SFRPRT2SEL |= 0xFF; //enables the control of the port
#pragma asm
mov A, SFRPRT2PS ; 1 Clock Reads the value of port2
inc A ; 1 Clock Adds 1
mov SFRPRT2DR,A ; 1 Clock Writes to port2
REPT 992 ; delay for 992 clock cycles
NOP ; 1*992=992 Clock Cycles
jmp loop ; 5 clock
#pragma endasm