我们的设计用到STM8L052R8芯片,低功耗模式时active halt。关于时钟的CLK_PCKENRX配置有以下疑问要向各位专家请教:
关于CLK_PCKENRX上电默认配置有一段描述:“After a device reset, all peripheral clocks are disabled. The only bit which is enabled by default at reset state is PCKEN27 as it is used for the BootROM. Software has to be properly written to switch off the ROM clock after the Bootloader execution.”
从字面描述来来接PCKEN27 是使能BOOT区域的时钟,那么当软件启动执行到main函数以后是否可以将PCKEN27 关闭来降低功耗(因此此时BOOT已经完成,并且后续不会再由BOOT功能需求),这样操作是否理解正确?存在什么风险? |