#include "stm32f10x.h"
#include "Kalman.h"
#include <math.h>
#define RESTRICT_PITCH // Comment out to restrict roll to ±90deg instead - please read: http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN3461.pdf
struct Kalman kalmanX, kalmanY, kalmanZ; // Create the Kalman instances
/* IMU Data MPU6050 AND HMC5883 Data*/
int accX, accY, accZ;
int gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ;
int magX, magY, magZ;
double roll, pitch, yaw; // Roll and pitch are calculated using the accelerometer while yaw is calculated using the magnetometer
double gyroXangle, gyroYangle, gyroZangle; // Angle calculate using the gyro only 只用陀螺仪计算角度
double compAngleX, compAngleY, compAngleZ; // Calculated angle using a complementary filter 用电磁计计算角度
double kalAngleX, kalAngleY, kalAngleZ; // Calculated angle using a Kalman filter 用kalman计算角度
//uint32_t timer,micros; //上一次时间与当前时间
uint8_t i2cData[14]; // Buffer for I2C data
#define MAG0MAX 603
#define MAG0MIN -578
#define MAG1MAX 542
#define MAG1MIN -701
#define MAG2MAX 547
#define MAG2MIN -556
#define RAD_TO_DEG 57.295779513082320876798154814105 // 弧度转角度的转换率
#define DEG_TO_RAD 0.01745329251994329576923690768489 // 角度转弧度的转换率
float magOffset[3] = { (MAG0MAX + MAG0MIN) / 2, (MAG1MAX + MAG1MIN) / 2, (MAG2MAX + MAG2MIN) / 2 };
double magGain[3];
void SYSTICK_Configuration(void); //系统滴答中断配置
void RCC_Configuration(void);
void updatePitchRoll(void); //根据加速计刷新Pitch和Roll数据
void updateYaw(void); //根据磁力计刷新Yaw角
void InitAll(void); //循环前的初始化
void func(void); //循环里的内容
extern void InitMPU6050(void); //初始化MPU6050
extern void InitHMC5883(void); //初始化HMC5883
extern void updateMPU6050(void); //Get accelerometer and gyroscope values
extern void updateHMC5883(void); //Get magnetometer values
extern void USART1_Configuration(void); //串口初始化
extern void USART1_SendData(u8 SendData); //串口发送函数
extern void I2C_GPIO_Config(void); //I2C初始化函数
* 名 称:int main(void)
* 功 能:主函数
* 入口参数:无
* 出口参数:无
* 说 明:
* 调用方法:无
int main(void)
RCC_Configuration(); //系统时钟配置
// SYSTICK_Configuration();
//void SYSTICK_Configuration(void)
// micros=0;//全局计数时间归零
// if (SysTick_Config(72000)) //时钟节拍中断时1000ms一次 用于定时
// {
// /* Capture error */
//// while (1);
// }
//void SysTickHandler(void)
// micros++;
// if(micros>(1<<20))
// micros=0;
* 名 称:void RCC_Configuration(void)
* 功 能:系统时钟配置为72MHZ
* 入口参数:无
* 出口参数:无
* 说 明:
* 调用方法:无
void RCC_Configuration(void)
void InitAll()
/* Set Kalman and gyro starting angle */
setAngle(&kalmanX,roll); // First set roll starting angle
gyroXangle = roll;
compAngleX = roll;
setAngle(&kalmanY,pitch); // Then pitch
gyroYangle = pitch;
compAngleY = pitch;
setAngle(&kalmanZ,yaw); // And finally yaw
gyroZangle = yaw;
compAngleZ = yaw;
// timer = micros; // Initialize the timer
void send(double xx,double yy,double zz)
int a[3];
u8 i,sendData[12];
else sendData[i*4]=' ';
void func()
double gyroXrate,gyroYrate,gyroZrate,dt=0.01;
/* Update all the IMU values */
// dt = (double)(micros - timer) / 1000; // Calculate delta time
// timer = micros;
// if(dt<0)dt+=(1<<20); //时间是周期性的,有可能当前时间小于上次时间,因为这个周期远大于两次积分时间,所以最多相差1<<20
/* Roll and pitch estimation */
updatePitchRoll(); //用采集的加速计的值计算roll和pitch的值
gyroXrate = gyroX / 131.0; // Convert to deg/s 把陀螺仪的角加速度按照当初设定的量程转换为°/s
gyroYrate = gyroY / 131.0; // Convert to deg/s
#ifdef RESTRICT_PITCH //如果上面有#define RESTRICT_PITCH就采用这种方法计算,防止出现-180和180之间的跳跃
// This fixes the transition problem when the accelerometer angle jumps between -180 and 180 degrees
if ((roll < -90 && kalAngleX > 90) || (roll > 90 && kalAngleX < -90)) {
compAngleX = roll;
kalAngleX = roll;
gyroXangle = roll;
} else
kalAngleX = getAngle(&kalmanX, roll, gyroXrate, dt); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter
if (fabs(kalAngleX) > 90)
gyroYrate = -gyroYrate; // Invert rate, so it fits the restricted accelerometer reading
kalAngleY = getAngle(&kalmanY,pitch, gyroYrate, dt);
// This fixes the transition problem when the accelerometer angle jumps between -180 and 180 degrees
if ((pitch < -90 && kalAngleY > 90) || (pitch > 90 && kalAngleY < -90)) {
compAngleY = pitch;
kalAngleY = pitch;
gyroYangle = pitch;
} else
kalAngleY = getAngle(&kalmanY, pitch, gyroYrate, dt); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter
if (abs(kalAngleY) > 90)
gyroXrate = -gyroXrate; // Invert rate, so it fits the restricted accelerometer reading
kalAngleX = getAngle(&kalmanX, roll, gyroXrate, dt); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter
/* Yaw estimation */
gyroZrate = gyroZ / 131.0; // Convert to deg/s
// This fixes the transition problem when the yaw angle jumps between -180 and 180 degrees
if ((yaw < -90 && kalAngleZ > 90) || (yaw > 90 && kalAngleZ < -90)) {
compAngleZ = yaw;
kalAngleZ = yaw;
gyroZangle = yaw;
} else
kalAngleZ = getAngle(&kalmanZ, yaw, gyroZrate, dt); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter
/* Estimate angles using gyro only */
gyroXangle += gyroXrate * dt; // Calculate gyro angle without any filter
gyroYangle += gyroYrate * dt;
gyroZangle += gyroZrate * dt;
//gyroXangle += kalmanX.getRate() * dt; // Calculate gyro angle using the unbiased rate from the Kalman filter
//gyroYangle += kalmanY.getRate() * dt;
//gyroZangle += kalmanZ.getRate() * dt;
/* Estimate angles using complimentary filter */
compAngleX = 0.93 * (compAngleX + gyroXrate * dt) + 0.07 * roll; // Calculate the angle using a Complimentary filter
compAngleY = 0.93 * (compAngleY + gyroYrate * dt) + 0.07 * pitch;
compAngleZ = 0.93 * (compAngleZ + gyroZrate * dt) + 0.07 * yaw;
// Reset the gyro angles when they has drifted too much
if (gyroXangle < -180 || gyroXangle > 180)
gyroXangle = kalAngleX;
if (gyroYangle < -180 || gyroYangle > 180)
gyroYangle = kalAngleY;
if (gyroZangle < -180 || gyroZangle > 180)
gyroZangle = kalAngleZ;
// send(gyroXangle,gyroYangle,gyroZangle);
// send(compAngleX,compAngleY,compAngleZ);
// send(kalAngleX,kalAngleY,kalAngleZ);
// send(kalAngleY,compAngleY,gyroYangle);
/* Print Data */
// //#if 1
// printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf\n",roll,gyroXangle,compAngleX,kalAngleX);
// printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf\n",pitch,gyroYangle,compAngleY,kalAngleY);
// printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf\n",yaw,gyroZangle,compAngleZ,kalAngleZ);
// //#if 0 // Set to 1 to print the IMU data
// printf("%lf %lf %lf\n",accX / 16384.0,accY / 16384.0,accZ / 16384.0);
// printf("%lf %lf %lf\n",gyroXrate,gyroYrate,gyroZrate);
// printf("%lf %lf %lf\n",magX,magY,magZ);
//#if 0 // Set to 1 to print the temperature
//double temperature = (double)tempRaw / 340.0 + 36.53;
//Serial.print(temperature); Serial.print("\t");
// delay(10);
//这里采用两种方法计算roll和pitch,如果最上面没有#define RESTRICT_PITCH就采用第二种计算方法
void updatePitchRoll() {
// Source: http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN3461.pdf eq. 25 and eq. 26
// atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians) - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2
// It is then converted from radians to degrees
#ifdef RESTRICT_PITCH // Eq. 25 and 26
roll = atan2(accY,accZ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
pitch = atan(-accX / sqrt(accY * accY + accZ * accZ)) * RAD_TO_DEG;
#else // Eq. 28 and 29
roll = atan(accY / sqrt(accX * accX + accZ * accZ)) * RAD_TO_DEG;
pitch = atan2(-accX, accZ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
void updateYaw() { // See: http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN4248.pdf
double rollAngle,pitchAngle,Bfy,Bfx;
magX *= -1; // Invert axis - this it done here, as it should be done after the calibration
magZ *= -1;
magX *= magGain[0];
magY *= magGain[1];
magZ *= magGain[2];
magX -= magOffset[0];
magY -= magOffset[1];
magZ -= magOffset[2];
rollAngle = kalAngleX * DEG_TO_RAD;
pitchAngle = kalAngleY * DEG_TO_RAD;
Bfy = magZ * sin(rollAngle) - magY * cos(rollAngle);
Bfx = magX * cos(pitchAngle) + magY * sin(pitchAngle) * sin(rollAngle) + magZ * sin(pitchAngle) * cos(rollAngle);
yaw = atan2(-Bfy, Bfx) * RAD_TO_DEG;
yaw *= -1;