
【转贴】【高速设计经典教材系列】SI 与EMC系列丛书

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【高速设计经典教材系列】SI 与EMC系列丛书
1 .《High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic》 by Howard W.Johnson and Martin Graham

出版社 : 电子工业出版社
原出版社:Pearson Education
系列名 :国外电子与通信教材系列
作者  : (美)Howard Johnson Martin Graham /
格      式:超星



2.)《High-Speed Digital System Design: A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design Practices》
by Stephen H. Hall, Garrett W. Hall and James A. McCall
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press; 1 edition (August 25, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471360902
ISBN-13: 978-0471360902

作者Stephen H.Hall等,是继前一本书之后的又一本经典著作,这本书偏重于实际,涉及面广,从设计到测试,详细且极具针对性,更适合做一本设计实用参考手册。
Book Description
A cutting-edge guide to the theory and practice of high-speed digital system design

An understanding of high-speed interconnect phenomena is essential for digital designers who must deal with the challenges posed by the ever-increasing operating speeds of today's microprocessors. This book provides a much-needed, practical guide to the state of the art of modern digital system design, combining easily accessible explanations with immensely useful problem-solving strategies. Written by three leading Intel engineers, High-Speed Digital System Design clarifies difficult and often neglected topics involving the effects of high frequencies on digital buses and presents a variety of proven techniques and application examples. Extensive appendices, formulas, modeling techniques as well as hundreds of figures are also provided.
Coverage includes:
* A thorough introduction to the digital aspects of basic transmission line theory
* Crosstalk and nonideal transmission line effects on signal quality and timings
* The impact of packages, vias, and connectors on signal integrity
* The effects of nonideal return current paths, high frequency power delivery, and simultaneous switching noise
* Explanations of how driving circuit characteristics affect the quality of the digital signal
* Digital timing analysis at the system level that incorporates high-speed signaling effects into timing budgets
* Methodologies for designing high-speed buses and handling the very large number of variables that affect interconnect performance
* Radiated emission problems and how to minimize system noise
* The practical aspects of making measurements in high-speed digital systems

3 .)《Digital Signal Integrity: Modeling and Simulation with Interconnects and Packages 》
by Brian Young
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR (October 19, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0130289043
ISBN-13: 978-0130289049

Book Info
Gives engineers the theory and practical methods needed to model and simulate high-speed connections and predict real-world performance with interconnects and packages. Contains in-depth reviews of a host of topics, including crosstalk, generalized termination schemes and differential signaling. DLC: Signal processing--Digital techniques--Computer simulation.

4 .)《Signal Integrity - Simplified》

【原 书 名】 Signal Integrity: Simplified  
【原出版社】 Prentice Hall PTR  
【作 者】(美)Eric Bogatin
【译 者】 李玉山 李丽平  
【丛 书 名】 国外电子与通信教材系列  
【出 版 社】 电子工业出版社     【书 号】 7121006421  
【出版日期】 2005 年4月 【开 本】 16开 【页 码】 376     【版 次】1-1  



金鱼木鱼|  楼主 | 2011-11-30 13:47 | 只看该作者
5.)《High-Speed Signal Propagation: Advanced Black Magic》
High-Speed Signal Propagation: Advanced Black Magic
By Howard Johnson, Martin Graham
Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR
Pub Date : February 24, 2003
ISBN : 0-13-084408-X
Pages : 800

Raves for Dr. Johnson's previous classic, High-Speed Digital Design!
"....one of the finest efforts to come along in the field of applied high-speed digital design because of its focus on providing tools for the whole design team bringing a high-speed product to life. For all the PCB designers and circuit designers out there, buy it; read it; keep it."
-Dan Baumgartner, Printed Circuit Design
In High-Speed Signal Propagation, Howard Johnson and Martin Graham bring together state-of-the-art techniques for building digital interconnections that can transmit faster, farther, and more efficiently than ever before. Packed with new examples and never-before-published high-speed design guidance, this book offers a complete and unified theory of signal propagation for all metallic media, from cables to pcb traces to chips. Coverage includes:

Managing tradeoffs between speed and distance
Physical theory of signal impairments: skin and proximity effects, dielectric loss, surface roughness, and non-TEM mode propagation
Generalized frequency- and step-response models
Calculation of time-domain waveforms from frequency-domain transfer functions
Differential signaling: Edge-coupled and broadside-coupled differential pairs, bends, intra-pair skew, differential trace geometry impedance, crosstalk, and radiation
Inter-cabinet connections: Coax, twisted-pair, fiber, equalizers, and LAN building wiring
Clock distribution: Special requirements, repeaters, multi-drop clock distribution, jitter, and power filtering
Simulation: Frequency domain simulation methods, Spice, and IBIS
6 .)《Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board Design》

by Douglas Brooks
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR (July 4, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 013141884X
ISBN-13: 978-0131418844

From the Back Cover

Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board DesignDouglas BrooksThe definitive high-speed design resource for every PCB designer
In this book, renowned engineer,author, and seminar leader Douglas Brooks teaches PCB designers how tosuccessfully design boards for any high-speed application. Brooks begins withan easy-to-understand electronics primer for every PCB designer, then offerspractical, real-world solutions for every important signal-integrity problem.Based on his legendary seminars, this book offers even more design rules,specific recommendations, examples, illustrations, and diagrams.
Coverage includes—

Essential electronics concepts: propagation, current, resistance, reactance, impedance, phase shifts, and more
EMI principles and controls: loop area, uncontrolled differential currents, and common mode currents
Controlling signal reflections: transmission lines, proper terminations, and trace layer design
Power system stability (bypass capacitor decoupling): Traditional approaches, and techniques based on power-system impedance
Eliminating forward crosstalk, and eliminating or controlling backwards crosstalk
Power-system conditioning: power-system plane design and correct board stackups
Lossy lines and eye diagrams: skin effects, dielectric absorption, and more
Two full chapters of simulationillustrations—ideal for thosewithout access to high-speed simulation tools

7 .《High-Speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity》 by Stephen C. Thierauf(Artech Hourse,2004 电子版)

【书       名】:High-Speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity
【作       者】:Stephen C. Thierauf
【页       数】:263
【语       言】:英语
【出 版 社】:Artech House

Book Description
This book offers the knowledge needed to quickly pinpoint transmission problems that can compromise an entire circuit design. Discussing both design & debugging issues at gigabit-per-second data rates.

Download Description
As circuit boards are increasingly required to transmit signals at higher and higher speeds, signal and power integrity become increasingly crucial. Rules of thumb that you have used over and over again to prevent signal loss no longer apply to these new, high-speed, high-density circuit designs. This leading-edge circuit design resource offers you the knowledge needed to quickly pinpoint transmission problems that can compromise your entire circuit design. Discussing both design and debug issues at gigabit per second data rates, the book serves as a practical reference for your projects involving high-speed serial signaling on printed circuit boards. Step-by-step, this book goes from reviewing the essentials of linear circuit theory, to examining practical issues of pulse propagation along lossless and lossy transmission lines. It provides detailed guidelines for crosstalk, attenuation, power supply decoupling, and layer stackup tradeoffs (including pad/antipad tradeoffs). Other key topics include the construction of etched conductors, analysis of return paths and split planes, microstrip and stripline characteristics, and SMT capacitors. Filled with on-the-job-proven examples, this hands-on reference is the book that you can turn to time and again to design out and troubleshoot circuit signal loss and impedance problems.


8 .)《Electromagnetics Explained: A Handbook for Wireless / RF, EMC, and High-Speed Electronics 》
by Ron Schmitt

Publisher: Newnes; 1 edition (May 17, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0750674032
ISBN-13: 978-0750674034

"The extensive background knowledge revealed in this book
will help any EMC professional better understand, and better cope with, a diverse array of electromagnetic phenomena in modern computers". - Howard Johnson, author of "High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic"

Many engineers face a large gap between the elegant simplicity of Maxwell's equations and the practical aspects of electromagnetic issues. Electromagnetics Explained by Ron Schmitt bridges that chasm, starting with basics and fundamentals and then smoothly moving to electromagnetic fields; radiated waves; nonideal components; transmission lines; shielding; s-parameters; antennas; electromagnetic-compatibility issues; and advanced topics, such as lenses, dish and antenna arrays, diffraction, and frequency dependence of materials. - EDN

It uses equations when necessary and also uses a straightforward, nonacademic style to provide readers with an intuitive grasp of the issues. The numerous drawings illuminate the points of the text, such as field patterns, current flows, and component models, and add to the readability of this book. Each chapter also has extensive references. - EDN

The author pulled together a bunch of concepts in electromagnetics, and related them to real world problems. We found it a very refreshing (and useful) approach. Easy to read with lots of good stuff. - Kimmel & Gerke Associates' newsletter, EMI GURU

Despite the hi-tech sound of the topics covered, this book contains very little math, and approaches its topics mostly from an intuitive point of view. The author obviously understands his subject very well, and considers his job to be making that subject as easy to understand as possible in a brief survey of the field. He does that job well.
--Monitoring Times, March 2003

Electromagnetics Explained presents a good blend of concepts and applications without requiring the user to work through advanced math.
--E-Streams, Vol.6, No.6 - June 2003


金鱼木鱼|  楼主 | 2011-11-30 13:48 | 只看该作者
9.)《Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits》
by Sonia Ben Dhia , Mohamed Ramdani , Etienne Sicard
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 9, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0387266003
ISBN-13: 978-0387266008

Book Description:
Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits: Techniques for Low Emission and Susceptibility focuses on the electromagnetic compatibility of integrated circuits. The basic concepts, theory, and an extensive historical review of integrated circuit emission and susceptibility are provided. Standardized measurement methods are detailed through various case studies. EMC models for the core, I/Os, supply network, and packaging are described with applications to conducted switching noise, signal integrity, near-field and radiated noise. Case studies from different companies and research laboratories are presented with in-depth descriptions of the ICs, test set-ups, and comparisons between measurements and simulations. Specific guidelines for achieving low emission and susceptibility derived from the experience of EMC experts are presented. The companion CD-ROM includes software illustrating key aspects of the book and a collection of demo tools applicable to EMC analysis of ICs.

10.)《EMC & the Printed Circuit Board: Design, Theory, & Layout Made Simple》
by Mark I. Montrose
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press; 1st edition (August 31, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 078034703X
ISBN-13: 978-0780347038

Book Description
This accessible, new reference work shows how and why RF energy is created within a printed circuit board and the manner in which propagation occurs. With lucid explanations, this book enables engineers to grasp both the fundamentals of EMC theory and signal integrity and the mitigation process needed to prevent an EMC event. Author Montrose also shows the relationship between time and frequency domains to help you meet mandatory compliance requirements placed on printed circuit boards.
Using real-world examples the book features:

Clear discussions, without complex mathematical analysis, of flux minimization concepts
Extensive analysis of capacitor usage for various applications
Detailed examination of components characteristics with various grounding methodologies, including implementation techniques
An in-depth study of transmission line theory
A careful look at signal integrity, crosstalk, and termination

11.)《Right the First Time: A Practical Handbook On High Speed PCB and System Design》
by Lee W. Ritchey (Author), John Zasio (Author), KELLA J. KNACK (Editor)

Publisher: Speeding Edge (June 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0974193607
ISBN-13: 978-0974193601

"Right the First Time, A Practical Handbook on High Speed PCB and System Design, Volume 1," is the premier publication of Speeding Edge. It was written by Speeding Edge founder and president, Lee W. Ritchey, co-authored by John Zasio, an recognized industry expert in high-speed design, and edited by Kella J. Knack, former editor of Printed Circuit Design and ASIC&EDA magazines. Published in the summer of 2003, the book is a thorough, comprehensive technical publication that addresses all aspects of high-speed PCB and system design and also includes several chapters on power subsystem design.

The book describes all of the principles involved in high-speed design such as transmission line management, signal integrity, power subsystem design, PCB materials and EMI control. Each technical term is defined in terms of its physics and how it applies to high-speed design. In addition, PCB material and fabricator selection, cost issues and design trade-off decisions are discussed in detail to provide the complete picture of all the factors involved in designing and implementing high-speed systems.

While geared towards engineering professionals, the book is also of significant value to anyone involved in making business decisions relative to designing and implementing high-speed systems. It presents a complete picture of what goes into developing a high-speed system including PCB material and fabricator selection; cost issues and design trade-off decisions. It also contains an exhaustive glossary of technical terms, their definitions and their use relative to high-speed design.  Click here for an Errata Sheet.


12 .)《Printed Circuit Board Designers Reference Basics 》
by Chris Robertson
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; Har/Cdr edition (October 23, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0130674818
ISBN-13: 978-0130674814

From the Back Cover

PCB design instruction and reference manual, all in one book!
In-depth explanation of the processes and tools used in modern PCB design
Standards, formulas, definitions, and procedures, plus software to tie it all together
Buy it to learn, but keep it as a valued reference tool!Printed circuit boards (PCBs) literally form the backbone of electronic devices. The electronics industry continues its spread into every aspect of modern life, yet surprisingly little written material exists about PCB standards and design. At the same time, the industry is beginning to feel the effects of a lack of new designers entering the field! To address this situation, PCB design authority Christopher T. Robertson wrote Printed Circuit Board Designer's Reference: Basics.
This book teaches the essentials of PCB design—the same standards and techniques used in the field, but collected in one place. You'll learn most of the key design techniques in use today, and be in the perfect position to learn the more advanced methods when you're ready. On the job, Printed Circuit Board Designer's Reference: Basics will continue to serve as an indispensable reference source filled with tables, charts, and task checklists you'll definitely want to keep on hand. Rounding out the book is a valuable software package DR Resource (Designer's Reference Resource) a multifunction calculator that manages the day-to-day activities of the PCB designer, performs project management functions, and keeps vital documentation and standards data right at your fingertips. Inside you'll find:

Thorough coverage of PCB design tools and techniques
Tools for everyday calculations, useful tables, quick reference charts, and a full checklist covering the entire design process
Clear explanations of where values come from, how to use and adjust them, and much more
This book was written for new designers looking for a solid foundation in PCB design, although designers with more experience will find the reference material, software, and explanations of the values that manufacturers use invaluable as well.


金鱼木鱼|  楼主 | 2011-11-30 13:48 | 只看该作者
13 .)《Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility 》
by Clayton R. Paul
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience (February 1992)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471549274
ISBN-13: 978-0471549277

Book Description:
      Deals with the topic of interference (electromagnetic compatibility) in electronic systems. It builds on basic undergraduate electrical engineering concepts and principles and applies them to the design of electronic systems that operate compatibly with other electronic systems and do not create interference phenomena. To facilitate classroom teaching it is divided in two parts. The first provides the basic principles and skills for review, while the second refers to applications and aspects of EMC design.

14 .)《Advanced Modeling in Computational Electromagnetic Compatibility》
by Dragan Poljak
Hardcover: 496 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience (March 16, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470036656
ISBN-13: 978-0470036655

Book Description
This book will enable readers to handle various EMC problems, to develop their own EMC computational models in applications in research and industry, and to better understand numerical methods developed and used by other researchers and engineers not only in EMC, but in other areas of engineering. For example, students and engineers can use the calculation methods for the radiation of base station antennas for planning the location of GSM and UMTS base stations and for the human exposure assessment based on material covered. The applied models can also be used to solve other research problems. This book will provide a crash course in fundamentals on electromagnetics and numerical modeling, and will cover a broad range of EMC problems of interest.

From the Back Cover

Learn the latest numerical methods to solve complex electromagnetic compatibility problems
This text combines the fundamentals of electromagnetics with numerical modeling to tackle a broad range of current electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems, including problems dealing with lightning, transmission lines, and grounding systems. The author sets forth a solid foundation in the basics before advancing to specialized topics. Not only do readers learn to solve EMC problems, they also learn to develop their own EMC computational models for applications in both research and industry. Advanced Modeling in Computational Electromagnetic Compatibility is divided into three complementary parts:

Part One, Fundamental Concepts in Computational Electromagnetic Compatibility, provides readers with all the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory. Next, the author introduces the basics of numerical modeling, including the design and use of computational models for the analysis of static, quasi-static, and scattering problems.
Part Two, Analysis of Thin Wire Antennas and Scatterers, analyzes wire antennas using the frequency domain and the time domain integral equation formulation. The author demonstrates the advantage of the Boundary Element Method for handling EMC problems that involve analysis of wire configurations of arbitrary shapes.
Part Three, Computational Models in Electromagnetic Compatibility, sets forth the solutions of specific EMC problems using the wire antenna theory presented in Part Two. The final chapter examines the growing controversy surrounding the potential health risks associated with exposure to low frequency and transient electromagnetic fields.

Throughout the text, numerical examples taken from both academia and industry are provided. References at the end of each chapter guide readers to additional information for each topic. In short, with this text, readers can fully leverage antenna theory and numerical methods for the solution of EMC problems.

15.)《Digital Systems Engineering》
国外高速设计课的教材:Digital Systems Engineering

他们把Howard Johnson写的两本仅作为参考书。


by William J. Dally , John W. Poulton

Hardcover: 693 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (June 28, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0521592925
ISBN-13: 978-0521592925

"Not many comprehensive references exist on this subject, and this book is one of the best available....Overall, this book will be a valuable addition to the library of every engineer involved in the design of digital systems, and for those who have only professional contact with digital system designers." Computing Reviews

Book Description
What makes some computers slow? What makes some digital systems operate reliably for years while others fail mysteriously every few hours? Why do some systems dissipate kilowatts while others operate off batteries? These questions of speed, reliability, and power are all determined by the system-level electrical design of a digital system. Digital Systems Engineering presents a comprehensive treatment of these topics. It combines a rigorous development of the fundamental principles in each area with down-to-earth examples of circuits and methods that work in practice. The book not only can serve as an undergraduate textbook, filling the gap between circuit design and logic design, but also can help practicing digital designers keep up with the speed and power of modern integrated circuits. The techniques described in this book, which were once used only in supercomputers, are now essential to the correct and efficient operation of any type of digital system.

16.)《Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance》
by Mark I. Montrose
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press; 2 edition (June 20, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0780353765
ISBN-13: 978-0780353763

Book Description
"Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is an engineering discipline often identified as "black magic." This belief exists because the fundamental mechanisms on how radio frequency (RF) energy is developed within a printed circuit board (PCB) is not well understood by practicing engineers. Rigorous mathematical analysis is not required to design a PCB. Using basic EMC theory and converting complex concepts into simple analogies helps engineers understand the mitigation process that deters EMC events from occurring.

This user-friendly reference covers a broad spectrum of information never before published, and is as fluid and comprehensive as the first edition. The simplified approach to PCB design and layout is based on real-life experience, training, and knowledge. Printed Circuit Board Techniques for EMC Compliance, Second Edition will help prevent the emission or reception of unwanted RF energy generated by components and interconnects, thus achieving acceptable levels of EMC for electrical equipment. It prepares one for complying with stringent domestic and international regulatory requirements. Also, it teaches how to solve complex problems with a minimal amount of theory and math. Essential topics discussed include:
* Introduction to EMC
* Interconnects and I/O
* PCB basics
* Electrostatic discharge protection
* Bypassing and decoupling
* Backplanes-Ribbon Cables-Daughter Cards
* Clock Circuits-Trace Routing-Terminations
* Miscellaneous design techniques


金鱼木鱼|  楼主 | 2011-11-30 13:48 | 只看该作者
17.)《Testing EMC Compliance Approaches and Techniques》

Author(s): Mark I. Montrose, Edward M. Nakauchi
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press (April 8, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 047143308X
ISBN-13: 978-0471433088

2008-2-29 23:36

Book Description
The Keep It Simple (KISS) philosophy is the primary focus of this book. It is written in very simple language with minimal math, as a compilation of helpful EMI troubleshooting hints. Its light-hearted tone is at odds with the extreme seriousness of most engineering reference works that become boring after a few pages. This text tells engineers what to do and how to do it. Only a basic knowledge of math, electronics, and a basic understanding of EMI/EMC are necessary to understand the concepts and circuits described.
Once EMC troubleshooting is demystified, readers learn there are quick and simple techniques to solve complicated problems a key aspect of this book. Simple and inexpensive methods to resolve EMI issues are discussed to help generate unique ideas and methods for developing additional diagnostic tools and measurement procedures. An appendix on how to build probes is included. It can be a fun activity, even humorous at times with bizarre techniques (i.e., the sticky finger probe).
【英文版 下载地址】:http://applo.5d6d.com/thread-1307-1-1.html


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