本帖最后由 suisuisi 于 2020-3-31 15:02 编辑
Advanced Synthesis Cookbook for FPGA 链接回复可见
The Advanced Synthesis Cookbook is a collection of circuit building blocks and related discussions, and presumes you are familiar with Altera® hardware cells and the Quartus® II software tools. The Stratix® II logic cell is powerful, which helps the synthesis tools achieve good results without hand tuning. The cell features open up opportunities for dramatic hand-crafted “tricks.” These building blocks are intended to demonstrate these tricks.
For more information about HDL coding styles, refer to the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook. For more information about Stratix II device architecture, refer to the Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet section in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook.
Each section includes a list of example files. Many of these example files contain more than one method of implementation controlled by a parameter. You can use these example files for testing and to better understand the derivation of some of the more complex optimizations. There are also many cases where the ideal implementation depends on the surrounding circuitry. The discussion and comments should help with selection. The example files are available on the Altera website at the following