TI 公司的UCC28610是新型12W到65W的 AC/DC电源解决方案,它的PWM算法可随开关频率和初级电流而变化,整个工作范围内保持不连续或瞬变模式,和级联架构一起,比通常的反激架构有更高的效率,可靠性和降低系统成本,主要应用在12W到65W的 AC/DC适配器,离线电池充电器,消毒类电子产品(DVD播放器,STB,DTV,游戏机.打印机等).本文介绍了UCC28610主要特性, 简化方框图, 推荐的工作应用电路和典型设计电路.
The UCC28610 brings a new level of performance and reliability to the AC/DC consumer power supply solution.
A PWM modulation algorithm varies both the switching frequency and primary current while maintaining discontinuous or transition mode operation over the entire operating range. Combined with a cascoded architecture, these innovations result in efficiency, reliability, and system cost improvements over a conventional flyback architecture.
The UCC28610 offers a predictable maximum power threshold and a timed response to an overload, allowing safe handling of surge power requirements. Overload fault response is user-programmed for retry or latch-off mode. Additional protection features include output overvoltage detection, programmable maximum on-time, and thermal shutdown.
Cascoded Configuration Allows Fully Integrated Current Control Without External Sense Resistor
Fast Start Up With Low Standby Power Achieved by Cascode Configuration
Frequency and Peak Current Modulation for Optimum Efficiency Over Entire Operating Range
Green-Mode (GM) Burst Switching Packets Improve No-Load Efficiency
Advanced Overcurrent Protection Limits RMS Input and Output Currents
Thermal Shutdown
Timed Overload With Retry or Latch-Off Response
Programmable Opto-Less Output Over-Voltage Protection
Fast Latched Fault Recovery
8-Pin SOIC Package and 8-Pin PDIP Lead-Free Packages
AC/DC Adapters, 12 W to 65 W
High Efficiency Housekeeping and Auxillary Power Supplies
Offline Battery Chargers
Consumer Electronics (DVD Players, Set-Top Boxes, DTV, Gaming, Printers, etc.)
图4.UCC28610高频振铃解决方案:(a)铁氧体器件 (b)CDRV (c) RG-OFF
图5.UCC28610典型设计电路 |