

菊江先生|  楼主 | 2018-7-15 14:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol ADC1_2_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol ADC3_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol BusFaultException (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol CAN_RX1_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol CAN_SCE_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DMA2_Channel4_5_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DebugMonitor (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI0_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI15_10_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI1_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI2_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI3_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI4_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI9_5_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol FLASH_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol FSMC_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol HardFaultException (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol I2C1_ER_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol I2C1_EV_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol I2C2_ER_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol I2C2_EV_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol MemManageException (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol NMIException (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol PVD_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol PendSVC (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol RCC_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol RTCAlarm_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol RTC_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SDIO_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SPI1_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SPI2_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SPI3_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SVCHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SysTickHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TAMPER_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM1_CC_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM1_UP_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM2_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM3_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM4_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM5_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM6_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM7_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM8_BRK_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM8_CC_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM8_TRG_COM_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM8_UP_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol UART4_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol UART5_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol USART1_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol USART2_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol USART3_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol USBWakeUp_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol USB_HP_CAN_TX_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol USB_LP_CAN_RX0_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol UsageFaultException (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol WWDG_IRQHandler (referred from stm32f10x_vector.o).
.aaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol main (referred from rtentry2.o).
Not enough information to list image symbols.
Finished: 1 information, 0 warning and 70 error messages.
".aaa.axf" - 70 Error(s), 1 Warning(s).
Target not created




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