typedef struct
__IO uint32_t CCR; /*!< DMA channel x configuration register Addr offset: 0x08 + 0x14 * x,x = 0 to 7 */
__IO uint32_t CNDTR;/*!< DMA channel x number of data register Addr offset: 0x0C + 0x14 * x,x = 0 to 7 */
__IO uint32_t CPAR; /*!< DMA channel x peripheral address register Addr offset: 0x10 + 0x14 * x, x = 0 to 7*/
__IO uint32_t CMAR; /*!< DMA channel x memory address register, Addr offset: 0x14 + 0x14 * x, x = 0 to 7 */
} BDMA_Channel_TypeDef;
#define BDMA_Channel0 ((BDMA_Channel_TypeDef *) BDMA_Channel0_BASE)
#define BDMA_Channel1 ((BDMA_Channel_TypeDef *) BDMA_Channel1_BASE)
#define BDMA_Channel2 ((BDMA_Channel_TypeDef *) BDMA_Channel2_BASE)
#define BDMA_Channel3 ((BDMA_Channel_TypeDef *) BDMA_Channel3_BASE)
#define BDMA_Channel4 ((BDMA_Channel_TypeDef *) BDMA_Channel4_BASE)
#define BDMA_Channel5 ((BDMA_Channel_TypeDef *) BDMA_Channel5_BASE)
#define BDMA_Channel6 ((BDMA_Channel_TypeDef *) BDMA_Channel6_BASE)
#define BDMA_Channel7 ((BDMA_Channel_TypeDef *) BDMA_Channel7_BASE) |