大家好!Hi, I try to use st10flasher tool(Flasher_V24b). In windows xp works but when I try to read the mcu (st10f269) with dump I can save the dump only in text format. If I try to save in hex, the program report target not found. Before that,I try to "reload monitor", it show me "Initmoitor failed.Monitor:loadMotitor:Bad aknowledge value 0xA5 instead of 0x5A".could you give me some advices.
还有个问题:keil 的monitor 166文件中的config.ini一定要和工程中的start167.166一样嘛?load monitor 进度2%的时候就停下来了。
请大家帮帮忙,有搞过这个的用个两分钟回复下,谢谢!grant_jx 版主也请指点一二,谢谢(keil的帮助文档,和官网上的资料我都看了)。