2.Timer6_SetPeriod,Period register应该选择A\B\C?
3.PORT_SetFunc(PortE, Pin07, Func_Tim6, Disable);,Timer6_PortInputConfig, enPortSel选择Timer6TrigA,定时器应该选择哪个单元?4.Timer6_ConfigHwCaptureA(M4_TMR61, Timer6HwTrigTimTriARise);Timer6_ConfigHwClear(M4_TMR62, Timer6HwTrigTimTriARise); Timer6_EnableHwClear(M4_TMR61);
Timer6INTENA = 0u, ///< Interrupt of count equal to GCMA (or capture input A)
Timer6INTENB = 1u, ///< Interrupt of count equal to GCMB (or capture input B)
Timer6INTENC = 2u, ///< Interrupt of count equal to GCMC
Timer6INTEND = 3u, ///< Interrupt of count equal to GCMD
Timer6INTENE = 4u, ///< Interrupt of count equal to GCME
Timer6INTENF = 5u, ///< Interrupt of count equal to GCMF
Timer6INTENOVF = 6u, ///< Interrupt of over flow of sawtooth wave mode or peak point of triangular wave mode
Timer6INTENUDF = 7u, ///< Interrupt of under flow of sawtooth wave mode or valley point of triangular wave mode
Timer6INTENDTE = 8u, ///< Interrupt of dead timer error
Timer6INTENSAU = 16u, ///< Interrupt of count up equally compared with SCMA
Timer6INTENSAD = 17u, ///< Interrupt of count down equally compared with SCMA
Timer6INTENSBU = 18u, ///< Interrupt of count up equally compared with SCMB
Timer6INTENSBD = 19u, ///< Interrupt of count down equally compared with SCMB
Timer6_ConfigHwStart(M4_TMR61, Timer6HwTrigTimTriARise);