input Clk,
input Rst,
input [15 : 0] BinaryImageWidth,
input [15 : 0] BinaryImageHeight,
input [15 : 0] RoiStartRow,//start from 0
input [15 : 0] RoiEndRow,//start from 0
input [15 : 0] RoiStartCol,//start from 0, must > 0, to insure StartpPos - 1'b1 >= 0
input [15 : 0] RoiEndCol,//start from 0
input [15 : 0] ClusterDistance,
input DataModify,
//for saving time, the upper layer can get the next line ready, which will be used next time.
input ClusterStart,
output LineDataFetch,
input LineDataRdy,
output [15 : 0] LinePos, //the line position in the image, which is to be read from ddr by upper layer.
output [15 : 0] LineRdAddr, //upper layer only read [RoiStartRow,RoiEndRow], this layer only read [RoiStartCol,RoiEndCol]
input [7 : 0] LineRddata,
output LineDone,//line done
input [8 : 0] LineWrAddr,//wait until the upper layer read this blockram line data.
output [127 : 0] LineWrData,//data is valid for one clock period delay to LineWrAddr.
//1) read RAM data to modify, and write modified data to outer RAM, both use the same RAM.
//2) DmLineRdAddr and DmLineWrAddr will deal with the data [RoiStartCol,RoiEndCol]
//3) DmLineRdAddr/DmLineRddata/DmLineWrEn/DmLineWrAddr/DmLineWrData are operate the RAM.
//4) RAM data : 8'hff is the default value, others are the real class.
output DmLineDataFetch,
input DmLineDataRdy,
output [15 : 0] DmLinePos,//the line position in the image, which is to be read from ddr by upper layer.
output [9 : 0] DmLineRdAddr,//8192 bytes/16 = 512, so 10 bit width is enough.
input [127 : 0] DmLineRddata,
output DmLineWrEn,
output [9 : 0] DmLineWrAddr,//modify result write into outer RAM address.
output [127 : 0] DmLineWrData,
output DmLineDone,//modify line data done, the upper layer use this signal to write line data into ddr.
output DmDone,
output ClusterFinish,//all line finish
output [15 : 0] ClusterNum,
input [15 : 0] ClusterRamAddr,
output [111 : 0] ClusterDoutb