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- RT - Thread Operating System
/ | \ 4.0.4 build Feb 16 2022 17:23:06
2006 - 2021 Copyright by rt-thread team
[D/FAL] (fal_flash_init:47) Flash device | W25Q32 | addr: 0x00000000 | len: 0x00400000 | blk_size: 0x00001000 |initialized finish.
[32;22m[I/FAL] ==================== FAL partition table ====================[0m
[32;22m[I/FAL] | name | flash_dev | offset | length |[0m
[32;22m[I/FAL] -------------------------------------------------------------[0m
[32;22m[I/FAL] | spiflash0 | W25Q32 | 0x00000000 | 0x00400000 |[0m
[32;22m[I/FAL] =============================================================[0m
[32;22m[I/FAL] RT-Thread Flash Abstraction Layer (V0.5.99) initialize success.[0m
[FlashDB] FlashDB V1.1.1 is initialize success.
[FlashDB] You can get the latest version on https://github.com/armink/FlashDB .
[FlashDB][sample][kvdb][basic] ==================== kvdb_basic_sample ====================
[FlashDB][sample][kvdb][basic] get the 'boot_count' value is 2
[FlashDB][sample][kvdb][basic] set the 'boot_count' value to 3
[FlashDB][sample][kvdb][basic] ===========================================================