这次通过板上自带按键 RB3 和 RB4 完成 按下RB3 数字加一 按下RB4 数字减一 最大为9 最小为1
主函数 main.c
// PIC16F877A Configuration Bit Settings // 'C' source line config statements // CONFIG #pragma config FOSC = HS // Oscillator Selection bits (HS oscillator) #pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable bit (WDT disabled) #pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer Enable bit (PWRT disabled) #pragma config BOREN = ON // Brown-out Reset Enable bit (BOR enabled) #pragma config LVP = ON // Low-Voltage (Single-Supply) In-Circuit Serial Programming Enable bit (RB3/PGM pin has PGM function; low-voltage programming enabled) #pragma config CPD = OFF // Data EEPROM Memory Code Protection bit (Data EEPROM code protection off) #pragma config WRT = OFF // Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits (Write protection off; all program memory may be written to by EECON control) #pragma config CP = OFF // Flash Program Memory Code Protection bit (Code protection off) // #pragma config statements should precede project file includes. // Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF. #include <xc.h> //__CONFIG(0xFF32);//??xc8????????????? #include "lcd1602.h" #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define K1 RB3 #define K2 RB4 unsigned char Tempmin = '0'; // 最小问题 unsigned char Tempmax = '1'; // 最大问题 uchar kflag = 0; uchar ge=1;//???? void delay_1ms(void) { unsigned int n; for(n=0;n<50;n++) { NOP(); } } void delay_ms(unsigned int time) { for(;time>0;time--) { delay_1ms(); } } void Key() { if(K1&&K2) // 按键没有按下 { kflag = 1; } else // 按键按下 { if(kflag == 1) { kflag = 0; if(K1 == 0) { if(++Tempmax >= '9') Tempmax = '9'; } if(K2 == 0) { if(Tempmax > Tempmin+1) { --Tempmax; } } } } } void main() { TRISB1=1; LCD1602_GPIO_Init(); //????1602????? LCD1602_init(); //1602????? while(1) { DisplayListChar(0,0,"SPEED = "); // Tempvalue = ReadTemperature(); // Lcd_Display(7,1,Tempvalue); // 显示温度值 DisplayOneChar(8,0,Tempmax); // 最高温度 Key(); // 按键程序 } }
//???pmlab x??????????????gb2312?? /* lcd1602.c?lcd1602.h????????????? DisplayListChar(unsigned charx, unsigned char y,unsigned char* str)??????? DisplayOneChar(unsigned charx, unsigned char y,unsigned char str)?????? x???y???ch?????'a'?str??????"i am a string"? ????????????lcd1602.h???#define?????? ??lcd1602.c???void LCD1602_GPIO_Init(void)??????? */ #include <pic.h> //??PIC16F87XA??????? #include "lcd1602.h" //1602??????? //--------------------------------------- void delay(void) { int i; for (i = 0;i < 200;i++); } //--------------------------------------- //???1602????? //--------------------------------------- void LCD1602_Write_Instruction(unsigned char combuf) { Lcd_Date=combuf; //??????RD???DB RS=0; //??????? // RW=0; //????? E=0; delay(); //????? E=1; //E?????????1602?? asm("NOP"); //????????????????1us E=0; //???????E??? } //--------------------------------------- //???1602????? //--------------------------------------- void LCD1602_Write_data(unsigned char databuf) { Lcd_Date=databuf; //??????RD???DB RS=1; //??????? // RW=0; //????? E=0; delay(); //????? E=1; //E?????????1602?? asm("NOP"); //????????????????1us E=0; //???????E??? } //--------------------------------------- //???1602??????? //--------------------------------------- void LCD1602_init(void) { LCD1602_Write_Instruction(0x38); //8?????????????5*7???? LCD1602_Write_Instruction(0x08); //????????? LCD1602_Write_Instruction(0x01); //?? LCD1602_Write_Instruction(0x06); //??????????????????? LCD1602_Write_Instruction(0x0C); //????????? } /****************??????????????*************/ void DisplayOneChar(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,const unsigned char DData) { Y&=1; X&=15; if(Y)X|=0x40; //?y?1???????????+0X40 X|=0x80; //???????+0X80 LCD1602_Write_Instruction(X); LCD1602_Write_data(DData); } /***********??????????????***********/ void DisplayListChar(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,const unsigned char *DData) { unsigned char ListLength=0; Y&=0x01; X&=0x0f; while(X<16 && DData[ListLength]) { DisplayOneChar(X,Y,DData[ListLength]); ListLength++; X++; } } void LCD1602_GPIO_Init(void) { ADCON1=0X07;//??A?????????????????IO TRISE=0B11111001; //RA5 RA2 RA3?? TRISD=0B00000000; //RD7-RD0?? PORTA=0B00000000; //???RA7-RA0??? PORTD=0B00000000; //???RD7-RD0??? }
//???pmlab x??????????????gb2312?? /* lcd1602.c?lcd1602.h????????????? DisplayListChar(unsigned charx, unsigned char y,unsigned char* str)??????? DisplayOneChar(unsigned charx, unsigned char y,unsigned char str)?????? x???y???ch?????'a'?str??????"i am a string"? ????????????lcd1602.h???#define?????? ??lcd1602.c???void LCD1602_GPIO_Init(void)??????? */ #ifndef __LCD1602_H #define __LCD1602_H //--------------------------------------- //1602????I/O?? #define E RE1 //1602???E???RA3?? //#define RW RW //1602???RW???RA2?? #define RS RE2 //1602???RS???RA5?? #define Lcd_Date PORTD //LCD1602???? void delay(void); void LCD1602_Write_Instruction(unsigned char combuf); void LCD1602_Write_data(unsigned char databuf); void LCD1602_init(void); void DisplayOneChar(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,const unsigned char DData); void DisplayListChar(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,const unsigned char *DData); void LCD1602_GPIO_Init(void); #endif