1.interrupt 用于中断函数。
语法: interrupt void 函数名()
interrupt[中断向量]void 函数名()
说明:interrupt关键字声明了在处理器发生中断时调用;函数的参数必须为空 2.monitor 使函数进入原型(atomic)操作状态。
语法:monitor 函数类型 函数名(参数表)
说明:monitor关键字使得在函数执行期间禁止中断,使函数执行不可中断;在其它所有方面,有monitor声明的函数则与普通函数相同。 3.no_init
语法:no_init 变量声明
说明:在默认情况下,MSP430的C语言编译器将变量存放在主RAM中,并在启动时对其进行初始化。no_init类型修正符使编译器把变量放在非易失RAM区中(如EEPROM、FLASH等),在启动时也不对它们进行初始化。在no_init变量的声明中,不能含有初始化。如果用了非易失RAM,连接时要安排在非易失RAM区,地址范围为0x0000~0xFFFF。实际可用范围是0x200~0xFFDF. 4.sfrb 用于声明单字节I/O数据类型对象。
语法:sfrb 标识符=常量表达式
说明:sfrb表示一个I/O寄存器,具有以下特点:等价于无符号字符,只能直接寻址,它驻留地址范围0x00~0xFF之内,例如:sfrb PxOUT =0x0021; 定义了Px端口的输出寄存器 5.sfrw 用于声明双字节I/O数据类型对象。
语法:sfrw 标识符=常量表达式
说明:sfrw表示一个I/O寄存器,具有以下特点: 等价于无符号字符,它只能直接寻址,它驻留地址范围0x100~0x1FF之内,例如:sfrw WDTCTL =0x0021; //定义了看门狗的寄存器。
Intrinsic functions summaryTo use intrinsic functions in an application, include the header file intrinsics.h. Note that the intrinsic function names start with double underscores, for example: __disable_interrupt
The following table summarizes the intrinsic functions: Intrinsic function
| Description
| __bcd_add _ type
| Performs a binary coded decimal operation
| __bic_SR_register
| Clears bits in the SR register
| __bic_SR_register_on_exit
| Clears bits in the SR register when an interrupt or monitor function returns
| __bis_SR_register
| Sets bits in the SR register
| __bis_SR_register_on_exit
| Sets bits in the SR register when an interrupt or monitor function returns
| __data16_read_addr
| Reads data to a 20-bit SFR register
| __data16_write_addr
| Writes data to a 20-bit SFR register
| __data20_read_ type
| Reads data which has a 20-bit address
| __data20_write_ type
| Writes data which has a 20-bit address
| __delay_cycles
| Provides cycle accurate code size minimized delay functionality
| __disable_interrupt
| Disables interrupts
| __enable_interrupt
| Enables interrupts
| __even_in_range
| Makes switch statements rely on the specified value being even and within the specified range
| __get_interrupt_state
| Returns the interrupt state
| __get_R4_register
| Returns the value of the R4 register
| __get_R5_register
| Returns the value of the R5 register
| __get_SP_register
| Returns the value of the stack pointer
| __get_SR_register
| Returns the value of the SR register
| __get_SR_register_on_exit
| Returns the value that the processor status register will have when the current interrupt or monitor function returns
| __low_power_mode_ n
| Enters a MSP430 low power mode
| __low_power_mode_off_on_exit
| Turns off low power mode when a monitor or interrupt function returns
| __no_operation
| Inserts a NOP instruction
| __op_code
| Inserts a constant into the instruction stream
| __set_interrupt_state
| Restores the interrupt state
| __set_R4_register
| Writes a specific value to the R4 register
| __set_R5_register
| Writes a specific value to the R5 register
| __set_SP_register
| Writes a specific value to the SP register
| __swap_bytes
| Executes the SWPB instruction