When SCD protection occurs, Q38 to Q43 are open. A voltage will be developed at the gates of Q15 and Q19; this voltage turns
on the Q19 and turns off Q15, and the signal LOAD_RM_DETECT goes high. When the load is removed,
the voltage at the gates of Q15 and Q19 tapers to 0, and the signal LOAD_RM_DET signal drops
accordingly, thus the load removal event can then be detected by the MCU
@王栋春 :连接到pack-,然后回到电池负极bat-形成回路。如果短路负载移除,电池包pack+跟pack-之间就开路了,pack-就悬空了
@王栋春 :可能出于功耗考虑,请问下在这种情况下,限流电阻特别高,没有到达稳压管击穿电流,这个电路怎分析。他电路目的是想在电池包正负极之间额外添加这么一个回路,在电池包短路的情况下,可以在LOAD_RM_DET处通过单片机管脚检测出来短路负载是否移除。短路负载是否移除应该主要是对pack-跟bat-之间电压有影响。在短路负载保持的时候,电池正极电压通过负载lian...