还有就是在rtthread studio中,使用at32库的时候,有些驱动的使用用法注释没有更改,导致理解出错
/*-------------------------- SPI CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use spi bus you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open spi driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the spi bus
* such as #define BSP_USING_SPI1
* STEP 3, copy your spi init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end of board.c file
* such as void HAL_SPI_MspInit(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi)
* STEP 4, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support spi peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED
/*#define BSP_USING_SPI1*/
/*#define BSP_USING_SPI2*/
/*#define BSP_USING_SPI3*/