以下是我总结的 CAPSENSE 设计评估相关资料,主要是一些链接。方便大家使用。 如果有链接失效,或有更好更新的资源,欢迎大家一起跟帖,维护更新。
可以评估CAPSENSE功能的评估板: No. | | Supported CAPSENSE™ features | | PSoC™ 4000T CAPSENSE™ prototyping kit (CY8CPROTO-040T) | Equipped with Self-cap button, Mutual-cap button, and Self-cap slider operation | | PSoC™ 4000T CAPSENSE™ evaluation Board (CY8CKIT-040T) | A capacitive button, A capacitive proximity sensor, A capacitive touchpad | | PSoC™ 4000 pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-040) | A 5x6 CAPSENSE™ touchpad and a wire proximity sensor | | PSoC™ 4 S-series pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-041) | Two self- or mutual-capacitive sensing buttons A 7×7 self- or mutual-capacitive sensing touchpad | | PSoC™ 4 S-series prototyping kit (CY8CKIT-145) | Three self- or mutual-capacitive sensing buttons A five-segment self- or mutual-capacitive sensing linear slider | | PSoC™ 4100S Plus prototyping kit (CY8CKIT-149) | Three self- or mutual-capacitive sensing buttons A six-segment self- or mutual-capacitive sensing linear slider | | PSoC™ 4100S Max pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-041SMax) | Two self- or mutual-capacitive sensing buttons An eight-segment self- or mutual-capacitive sensing linear slider A 10x16 self- or mutual-capacitive sensing touchpad A proximity sensor loop | | PSoC™ 4 pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-042) | A five-segment linear slider | | PSoC™ 4 Bluetooth® LE pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT042-BLE) | A five-segment linear slider and a wire proximity sensor | | PSoC™ 4200-M pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-044) | A five-element gesture detection and two proximity wire sensors | | PSoC™ 4200-L pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-046) | A five-element gesture detection, two proximity wire sensors, and an eight-element radial slider | | CAPSENSE™ proximity shield (CY8CKIT-024) | A four-element gesture detection and one proximity loop sensor | | CAPSENSE™ liquid level sensing shield (CY8CKIT-022) | A two-element flexible PCB and 12-element flexible PCB | | PSoC™ 6 Wi-Fi BT pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT pioneer kit) | A 5-segment CAPSENSE™ slider, two CAPSENSE™ buttons, one CAPSENSE™ proximity sensing header, a proximity sensor | | PSoC™ 6 Bluetooth® LE pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-062-BLE pioneer kit) | A 5-segment CAPSENSE™ slider, two CAPSENSE™ buttons, one CAPSENSE™ proximity sensing header, a proximity sensor | | SoC™ 6 Wi-Fi BT prototyping kit (CY8CPROTO062-4343W) | A 5-segment CAPSENSE™ slider and two mutual-cap CAPSENSE™ buttons | | MiniProg3 program and debug kit (CY8CKIT-002) MiniProg4 program and debug kit (CY8CKIT-005) | CAPSENSE™ performance tuning |
原理图和PCB走线 请查看与您所选设备相对应的开发套件的设计文件,以获取参考原理图。。
从开发套件中您可以获得实现不同CapSense按钮和滑块实现的示例,关于布局,PCB堆叠、器件放置、走线的参考信息。 例如: CY8CKIT-149 实现的鱼骨形的不同大小的互电容按键。 PSoC 62S3 Wi-Fi BTPrototyping Kit (CY8CPROTO-062S3-4343W) 优化了鱼骨形的按键设计兼顾了互电容和自电容。 您可以在开发套件的网页上活得相关的设计文件。 您也可以查看单个设备设计指南网页,以获取所有CapSense设备的示例布局: n CY8CMBR3XXX CapSense Design Guide n PSoC® 4 and PSoC® 6 MCU CapSense® Design Guide PCB 组装和焊接 对于任何CapSense设计,遵循PCB装配和焊接标准和指南非常重要。尽管CapSense PCB装配和焊接没有特定的指南,但以下规格和应用说明分别提供了标准和指南。 n IPC-A-610,Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies n AN72845- Design Guidelines for Cypress Quad Flat No Extended Lead (QFN) PackagedDevices n AN69061-Design, Manufacturing, and Handling Guidelines for Cypress Wafer Level ChipScale Packages 相关软件和应用程序 ModusToolbox 是将来主推的开发平台,推荐使用. https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/sdk/modustoolbox-software/ PSoC Creator 停止维护. 但非常适合入门 他的控件手册解释每个功能的用法. https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/sdk/psoc-software/psoc-creator/ EZ-Click 2.0 是一个简单而强大的工具软件用来开发CAPSENSE™ MBR 产品. https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/configuration/capsense-controllers-configuration-tools/ capsense-configurator. capsense-tuner. CAPSENSE_Configurator_5.0_User_Guide-UserManual-v01_00-EN.pdf 丰富的 CAPSENSE™ Controllers 例程 https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/software/code-examples/capsense-controllers-code-examples/ 相关AN应用手册 Infineon-AN64846_Getting_Started_with_CapSense-ApplicationNotes-v26_00-EN.pdf Infineon-AN85951_PSoC_4_and_PSoC_6_MCU_CapSense_Design_Guide-ApplicationNotes-v28_00-EN.pdf Infineon-AN210998_PSoC_4_Low-Power_CapSense_Design-ApplicationNotes-v03_00-EN.pdf Infineon-Designing_a_capacitive_sensing_system_for_a_specific_application-Whitepaper-v01_00-EN.pdf Infineon-Using_Springs_as_Capacitive_Sensors-Whitepaper-v01_00-CN.pdf Infineon-AN90071_CY8CMBR3xxx_CapSense(R)_Design_Guide-ApplicationNotes-v09_00-EN.pdf Infineon-AN92239_Proximity_Sensing_with_CapSense-ApplicationNotes-v03_00-EN.pdf 论坛CAPSENSE™ & MagSense 感知技术论坛讨论CAPSENSE™ - 消费、工业、汽车和物联网(IoT)应用中的电容感知和电感感应感知技术。 https://community.infineon.com/t5/CAPSENSE-MagSense/bd-p/sensingtechnologies 谢谢! Max