* PIC12F1822 WS2812b RC Led Strip Project
- Version 1.0
- 2 April 2020
- Project settings are defined in the system.h file
- based on work from https://github.com/DzikuVx/drone_led_strip_controller
Copyright 2020 Patrick Tissot
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Development Environment
To compile this you need:
- XC8 2.20 PRO or higher (www.microchip.com) with -s optimization for size
- Microchip MPLAB X IDE Version 5.35 or higher (www.microchip.com)
// Global includes
#include <xc.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// #pragma config statements should precede project file includes.
// Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF
#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC // Oscillator Selection (INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on CLKIN pin)
#pragma config WDTE = ON // Watchdog Timer Enable (WDT enabled)
#pragma config PWRTE = ON // Power-up Timer Enable (PWRT enabled)
#pragma config MCLRE = ON // MCLR Pin Function Select (MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR)
#pragma config CP = OFF // Flash Program Memory Code Protection (Program memory code protection is disabled)
#pragma config CPD = OFF // Data Memory Code Protection (Data memory code protection is disabled)
#pragma config BOREN = ON // Brown-out Reset Enable (Brown-out Reset enabled)
#pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF // Clock Out Enable (CLKOUT function is disabled. I/O or oscillator function on the CLKOUT pin)
#pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal/External Switchover (Internal/External Switchover mode is disabled)
#pragma config FCMEN = OFF // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable (Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is disabled)
#pragma config WRT = OFF // Flash Memory Self-Write Protection (Write protection off)
#pragma config PLLEN = ON // PLL Enable (4x PLL enabled)
#pragma config STVREN = ON // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable (Stack Overflow or Underflow will cause a Reset)
#pragma config BORV = HI // Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection (Brown-out Reset Voltage (Vbor), high trip point selected.)
#pragma config LVP = ON // Low-Voltage Programming Enable (High-voltage on MCLR/VPP must be used for programming)
#define _XTAL_FREQ 32000000UL
* Structure of the LED array
* cRGB: RGB for WS2812S/B/C/D, SK6812, SK6812Mini, SK6812WWA, APA104, APA106
* cRGBW: RGBW for SK6812RGBW
struct cRGB { uint8_t g; uint8_t r; uint8_t b; };
// Change this setting based on your LED strip length (be aware of RAM size limitation!)
#define NUM_PIXELS 8
// Assembly function used to send the 24bits info to WS2812 leds
void send_frame(void);
// System definitions
#define FCY 8000000UL
#define TMR0_PRESCALER 256
// 32 MHz / 4 = 8 MHz => 0.125 �s instruction cycle
#define TICK 1 // 1ms interrupt Tick rate
#define COUNT (FCY/1000000UL*TICK*1000/TMR0_PRESCALER)
#if (COUNT > 255)
#error "Change TMR0 prescaler or FCY"
#define TMR0_RELOAD (255-COUNT)
// Hardware mapping definitions
// LED PIN is fixed to RA2 (see Send_Frame.asm)
#define INPUT_PIN RA5 // connected to PWM output from RC receiver or left floating
#define BUTTON_PIN RA4 // connected to push button (to ground), uses internal pull-up
#define SLEEP_TIME 40
#define SPEED_MAX 20
#define SPEED_MID 10
#define COLORS 7
#define MAX_CYCLE 255
#define MODES 11
#define PWM_PRESS_MIN 1750 // pulse 1750ms mini to detect "button" press through RC
#define PWM_PRESS_MAX 2200 // pulse 2200ms max to detect "button" press through RC
#define PWM_SPEED_MIN 800 // pulse 800ms maps to minimum speed (led pattern change) through RC
#define PWM_SPEED_MAX 1500 // pulse 1500ms maps to maximum speed (led pattern change) through RC
// EEPROM parameters
// State machine used for button press decoding
#define IDLE 0
#define PRESS 1
#define SHORTPRESS 2
#define LONGPRESS 3
// COLOR patterns (can be adjusted if necessary)
const uint8_t colors[COLORS][3] = {
{1, 0, 0}, // RED
{0, 1, 0}, // GREEN
{0, 0, 1}, // BLUE
{1, 0, 1}, // PURPLE
{1, 1, 0}, // YELLOW
{0, 1, 1}, // CYAN
{1, 1, 1} // WHITE
// Globals
volatile uint8_t COLOR;
volatile uint8_t count;
struct cRGB currentColor;
struct cRGB off;
struct cRGB background;
struct cRGB output[NUM_PIXELS] __at(0x40); // force LED array to be at fixed RAM address (for assembly routine taking care of LED refresh)
uint8_t my_brightness = 250; // this can be changed to accomodate lower brightness level
uint8_t previous_mode;
uint8_t mode = 0;
uint8_t pushStartCycle;
uint8_t i;
uint8_t previous_colorIndex;
uint8_t colorIndex = 0;
uint8_t cycle = 0;
uint8_t currentCycle;
uint16_t previous_speed;
uint16_t speed;
uint8_t controllState;
// these variables will be accessed under interrupt, need to be declared as volatile
volatile uint16_t risingStart = 0;
volatile uint16_t channelLength = 0;
volatile uint8_t timer_1ms;
// running average of data (using 20% new value / 80% old value)
uint16_t smooth(uint16_t data, uint16_t smoothedVal) {
smoothedVal = ((data * 2) / 10) + (smoothedVal * 8) / 10;
return smoothedVal;
// Interrupt Service Request handler
void __interrupt() isr(void) {
// Is this interrupt on change pin interrupting?
if (IOCIE && IOCIF) {
IOCIF = 0;
IOCAF = 0;
TMR1ON = 0;
if (INPUT_PIN) { // rising edge detected
risingStart = TMR1;
} else { // falling edge detected
uint16_t val;
if (TMR1 > risingStart)
val = TMR1 - risingStart;
val = (65535U - risingStart) + TMR1;
// val now contains PPM pulse duration
channelLength = smooth(val, channelLength);
// to get channel value, perform some filtering
TMR1ON = 1;
// Is this timer1 interrupting?
if (TMR0IE && TMR0IF) {
// Reset the timer1 interrupt flag
TMR0IF = 0;
TMR0 = TMR0_RELOAD; // reload timer 0 for next TICK interrupt period
LATAbits.LATA1 ^= 1; // for debug and interrupt monitoring
timer_1ms = 1;
// Init System timer (TMR0) used by Application for TICK generation
void Init_Timer(void) {
// Configure Timer 0 for system timer
TMR0IF = 0; // Clean TMR0 flag
T0CS = 0; // clock source = internal system clock
// prescaler
PSA = 0; // prescaler assigned to TMR0
OPTION_REGbits.PS = 0b111; // Prescaler 1:256
TMR0 = TMR0_RELOAD; // reload value = TICK ms
// Enable System Timer Interrupts
TMR0IE = 1; // Enable TMR0 Interrupt
// Configure Timer 2 for Delay routine
void Init_Timer2(void) {
T2CON = 0b00110000; // prescaler 1/8 gives 1 us resolution
// Duration is a multiple of 1 us
// this routine will block until the time is ellapsed (only interrupts are allowed)
void delay_us(uint8_t duration) {
if (duration > 5)
PR2 = duration - 4; // compensate for function overhead
PR2 = 1;
TMR2 = 0; // reset Timer2
TMR2IF = 0;
TMR2ON = 1; // start Timer2
while (!TMR2IF)
TMR2ON = 0; // shutdown Timer2
// Duration is a multiple of 1 ms
void delay_ms(uint16_t duration) {
uint16_t j;
for (j = 0; j < (duration * 10); j++) {
// Routine to write a single byte into EEPROM space
void DATAEE_WriteByte(uint8_t bAdd, uint8_t bData) {
uint8_t GIEBitValue = 0;
EEADRL = bAdd; // Data Memory Address to write
EEDATL = bData; // Data Memory Value to write
EECON1bits.EEPGD = 0; // Point to DATA memory
EECON1bits.CFGS = 0; // Deselect Configuration space
EECON1bits.WREN = 1; // Enable writes
GIEBitValue = INTCONbits.GIE;
INTCONbits.GIE = 0; // Disable INTs
EECON2 = 0x55;
EECON2 = 0xAA;
EECON1bits.WR = 1; // Set WR bit to begin write
// Wait for write to complete
while (EECON1bits.WR) {
EECON1bits.WREN = 0; // Disable writes
INTCONbits.GIE = GIEBitValue;
// Routine to read a single byte from EEPROM space
uint8_t DATAEE_ReadByte(uint8_t bAdd) {
EEADRL = bAdd; // Data Memory Address to read
EECON1bits.CFGS = 0; // Deselect Configuration space
EECON1bits.EEPGD = 0; // Point to DATA memory
EECON1bits.RD = 1; // EE Read
NOP(); // NOPs may be required for latency at high frequencies
return (EEDATL);
// Initialize I/O ports
void Init_Ports(void) {
nWPUEN = 0; // PortA pull-ups enabled by individual PORT Latch values
ANSELA = 0; // all pins digital
WPUA = 0b00111000; // disable Weak pull-ups on outputs
LATA = 0; // this will turn ON debug LED
TRISA = 0b00111000; // Output bits RA0, RA2
IOCAP = 0b00100000; // RA5 triggers interrupt for both rising and falling changes
IOCAN = 0b00100000;
IOCIF = 0;
IOCIE = 1;
void setColor(void) {
currentColor.r = colors[colorIndex][0] * my_brightness;
currentColor.g = colors[colorIndex][1] * my_brightness;
currentColor.b = colors[colorIndex][2] * my_brightness;
background.r = colors[colorIndex][0] * 50;
background.g = colors[colorIndex][1] * 50;
background.b = colors[colorIndex][2] * 50;
// This will turn off all LEDs on the strip
void modeOff(void) {
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = off;
// This will turn on all LEDs on the strip (with currentcolor setting)
void modeOn(void) {
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = currentColor;
// returns
uint8_t getDivider(uint8_t denom, uint8_t cycle) {
return cycle / denom;
// This will turn on one single led in the strip in sequence
void modeSingleWander(void) {
currentCycle = getDivider(2, currentCycle);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = background;
output[currentCycle % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
// this will turn on 3 consecutive leds in the strip in sequence
void modeRapid(void) {
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = background;
if (currentCycle == NUM_PIXELS << 2) {
cycle = 0;
currentCycle = 0;
if (currentCycle < NUM_PIXELS) {
output[currentCycle % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
if (currentCycle + 1 < NUM_PIXELS) {
output[(currentCycle + 1) % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
if (currentCycle + 2 < NUM_PIXELS) {
output[(currentCycle + 2) % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
// this will turn on 2 consecutive leds in the strip in sequence
void modeBoldWander(void) {
currentCycle = getDivider(2, currentCycle);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = background;
output[currentCycle % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
output[(currentCycle + 1) % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
// this will turn on 4 consecutive leds in the strip in sequence
void modeBolderWander(void) {
currentCycle = getDivider(2, currentCycle);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = off;
output[currentCycle % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
output[(currentCycle + 1) % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
output[(currentCycle + 2) % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
output[(currentCycle + 3) % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
// this will turn on 2 opposite leds in the strip in sequence
void modeDoubleWander(void) {
currentCycle = getDivider(2, currentCycle);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = off;
output[currentCycle % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
output[(MAX_CYCLE - currentCycle) % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
// this will turn on 2 leds (with gap in between) in the strip in sequence
void modeChase(void) {
currentCycle = getDivider(2, currentCycle);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = off;
output[currentCycle % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
output[(currentCycle + (NUM_PIXELS / 2)) % NUM_PIXELS] = currentColor;
// this will flash all leds in the strip
void modeFlash(void) {
currentCycle = getDivider(2, currentCycle);
struct cRGB state = off;
if ((currentCycle % 16 == 12) || (currentCycle % 16 == 15)) {
state = currentColor;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = state;
// this will progressively turn ON and OFF (breathing effect) all leds in the strip
void modeBreathing(void) {
struct cRGB my_color;
uint16_t value;
currentCycle = currentCycle & 0x3F;
if (currentCycle > 31)
currentCycle = 63 - currentCycle;
value = (uint16_t)(currentCycle * currentCycle) >> 2;
currentCycle = value;
my_color.r = colors[colorIndex][0] * currentCycle;
my_color.g = colors[colorIndex][1] * currentCycle;
my_color.b = colors[colorIndex][2] * currentCycle;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
output[i] = my_color;
// this will display a rainbow effect on the led strip
void modeRainbow(void) {
static uint8_t offset;
struct cRGB my_color;
uint8_t index;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {
index = (i + offset) & 0x07;
my_color.r = colors[index][0] * 85;
my_color.g = colors[index][1] * 85;
my_color.b = colors[index][2] * 85;
output[i] = my_color;
if (currentCycle % 5 == 0)
uint8_t abs_u8(int8_t value) {
if (value < 0)
return (-value);
return (value);
// do actual work
void loop(void) {
// Test RC input pulse duration
// first, compare pulse to speed control range
if ((channelLength > PWM_SPEED_MIN) && (channelLength < PWM_SPEED_MAX)) {
speed = ((channelLength - PWM_SPEED_MIN) * SPEED_MAX) / (PWM_SPEED_MAX - PWM_SPEED_MIN);
// then compare pulse to "button" press threshold (or actual button press)
if (((channelLength > PWM_PRESS_MIN) && (channelLength < PWM_PRESS_MAX)) || (BUTTON_PIN == 0)) {
if (controllState == IDLE) {
controllState = PRESS;
pushStartCycle = cycle;
// decide button status based on previous state
if ((channelLength < 1750) && (BUTTON_PIN == 1)) {
if (controllState == PRESS) {
controllState = SHORTPRESS;
if (controllState == LONGPRESS) {
controllState = IDLE;
// if button is pressed
if (controllState == PRESS) {
// and this is a long press
if (abs_u8(cycle - pushStartCycle) > LONG_PUSH_THRESHOLD) {
// Change color procedure
if (colorIndex == COLORS) {
colorIndex = 0;
cycle = 0;
pushStartCycle = 0;
controllState = LONGPRESS;
// if button is short pressed
if (controllState == SHORTPRESS) {
if (abs_u8(cycle - pushStartCycle) > 2) {
// Change mode procedure
if (mode == MODES) {
mode = 0;
cycle = 0;
pushStartCycle = 0;
controllState = IDLE;
// memorize currentcycle
currentCycle = cycle;
// based on selected operating mode, dispatch to appropriate LED display routine
switch (mode) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
// Update LEDs
// wait for next frame to display
delay_ms(SLEEP_TIME - speed);
// Set up the timer for input capture
void Init_Timer1(void) {
T1CON = 0b00110001; // Timer1 clock source is instruction clock (FOSC/4)
// 1:8 Prescale value (1us timebase), Timer 1 ON
// Main Rountine (the application)
// _ __ __
// _ __ ___ __ _(_)_ __ / / \ \
// | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | '_ \ | | | |
// | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | | | |
// |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_| | | | |
// \_\ /_/
void main(void) {
// Set up the IO pins
OSCCON = 0b01110000; //Setup internal oscillator for 32MHz = 8M x 4
// try to restore previous operating mode from EEPROM
if (mode >= MODES) {
mode = 0;
previous_mode = mode;
// try to restore previous color mode from EEPROM
if (colorIndex >= COLORS) {
colorIndex = 0;
previous_colorIndex = colorIndex;
// try to restore previous speed setting from EEPROM
if (speed > SPEED_MAX) {
speed = SPEED_MID;
previous_speed = speed;
// prepare LED strip
controllState = IDLE;
// Enable the interrupts
PEIE = 1;
GIE = 1;
// Program Main loop
while (1) {
// If 1ms timer expired, then launch loop
if (timer_1ms) {
timer_1ms = 0;
// is it time to save current settings to EEPROM?
if (cycle == 255) {
// if mode changed since last save, then store in EEPROM
if (mode != previous_mode) {
previous_mode = mode;
// if color changed since last save, then store in EEPROM
if (colorIndex != previous_colorIndex) {
previous_colorIndex = colorIndex;
// if speed changed since last save, then store in EEPROM
if (speed != previous_speed) {
previous_speed = speed;