最近在玩AVR的片子,发现了一个问题: 我有两块实验板,相同的程序,其中一块正常,另外一块可以下载程序,可以执行单步,但是一运行就程序跑飞,而且经常在仿真的过程中,不在受仿真软件的控制,板子自己就开始运行程序了,不知道大家有没有发生过类似的情况,高手指点下:
Loaded objectfile: 闯红灯抓拍.cof
JTAG ICE Warning: Reading the program counter, an invalid value (0x7FFFFFFF) was received from the device.
JTAG ICE Warning: A problem occured while executing this debug command! Please check the connections, the voltage, and the clock system of the target application!
Error reading memory IO Address:0 Size:64
Error reading memory REGISTERS Address:0 Size:32