1.问: C6712怎样访问 I/O空间?
答: Acturally, C6000 have only one memory space, include Data and Prog memory.
The I/O also be mapping to memory space, can be accessed through EDMA and
EMIF bus.
2.问: TMS320C6712 的 32 位浮点特性与以往推出系列相比,有哪些优势,可提
答: It support IEEE_SP32 and IEEE_DP32 and IEEE_DP64 float_point. Compare
with C3x, it has strong C compiler and also good development tool CCS.
3.问: TI 能否尽可能将闪存集成在今后的 DSP产品中,以减少外设和提高线路精
答: TI 具备将 FLASH 集成到 DSP中的能力。但是不同的用途有不同的要求。所
4.问: Is 6712, 6711 and 6701 all pin compatible?
答: Yes, they are all compatible.
5.问: 以 5409 为例,很多 DSP 产品在使用前必需进行内存分配,该工作目前由
要的精力,所以请问 TI 能否在发货时就为芯片提供标准的配置文件?
答: DSP link comand file is effective tool to manage DSP memory configuration to
improve system feature. DSP BIOS has visuable tool to deliver the function.
6.问: 请问 DSP与 CPU、MPU有什么区别?
答: The structure of DSP is difference from CPU/MPU. In DSP, there are different
memory for data and instruction. And it focus on computing not flow management.
7.问: TI 能否为其 DSP产品提供更加灵活的外设以满足多样的应用需要?
答 : Yes. In C6000, we have peripherals as these McBSP, HPI/Expension
BUS/PCI,EMIF(can connect with SBSRAM, SDRAM, Async RAM flush ROM
SRM), DMA/EDMA, timers etc.
8.问: 请问"数字信号处理器"的对象是什么?
答: wireless communication, broadband internet access, image process, modem,
disital motor control ... We believe it can be used in every internet action, every bit.
9.问: TI的DSP产品的C代码编译效率低, 常使开发者感到其结果不能达到预期,
请问 TI 有无应对之策?(11:01:19 AM)
答: The C6000 C compiler performance can reach 70-80%. This is just because the
from the beginning time of C6000 core design, the RISC like structure have make the
C compiler and optimizer can be easy design and reach high performance. That means
the C optimizer is begin from basic hardware design. So the question is true for other
DSP, for C6000 good C compiler is our strong point.
10.问: TI 公司的 DSP 有什么特点?即在处理速度、存储量、接口以及软件编程
答: For C6000, it is the most advanced DSP, our C64x can run at 700Mhz to 1.1Ghz,
the memory space for C6000 can be 32 bits wide. And we have DSP/BIOS which is
industry proved and free real time kernal can help engineer design more easy and
focus on their application.
11.问: DSP是不是扩大了功能的单片机?
答: No.
12.问: 在未来,DSP是否有代替 CPU的可能?
答: TI believe that in the coming internet era, many application engines will be driven
by DSP such as image, communication, digital consumer appliances. CPU can be
used as a controller, DSP will be used for specific functions.
13.问: DSP 与 FPGA 的区别?性能及用途方面。
答: DSP can be reprogramble offline and online, have more flexible than FPGA.
14.问: 请问贵公司的 6712 可用在民用的哪些方面?
答: C6000 的特点是高性能,应用比较容易(用 C 开发) ,如用在应用复杂的场
合, 会很有优势,如网络相机,用户端网络加密等。
15.问: TMS320C6712 高频特性适用于跳频、扩频的哪些具体应用?是否适用于
答: 跳频、扩频 Yes,蓝牙技术 No because its power consumption.
16.问: 除了众所周知的 DSP外。TI 在模拟器件领域最关心的方向是什么?
答: TI is taking effort for provide all kinds of analog products portfolio.
17.问: 5000系列做便携式现场数据采集合适吗?
答:C5000 is suitable for portable application such as for low power requirement.
答:时钟一般使用晶体,电源可用 ti 的配套的电源。
19.问:DSP 一般有二种供电方式:一种是开关电源,另外一种是 TI 有许多的
LDO,开关电源电路相对复杂,而 LDO相对非常简单。我想问一下电路相对简
单的 LDO 供电会有什么缺点,还是没有缺点。例如 TI的 TPS75933已经可以提
供最大 7.5A 的电流,按功率来说已经完全足够了。如果没有缺点,我是否能够
把 LDO用于其它功耗相对较多的 CPU。
20.问:TI的 DSP是否可以真正实现实时进行 MPEGII 编解码,技术支持是否能
答:Yes. You need to do MPEG codec with c64x。 |