

lvjing880907|  楼主 | 2012-8-9 11:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
STM32F372R8FPU的ARM Cortex-M4的MCU,带有64 KB的闪存,72 MHz的CPU,微处理器,16位ADC,比较器的模拟和DSP



STM32F37x系列基于高性能ARM®的Cortex™-M4的32位RISC核心频率高达72 MHz操作系统,并嵌入一个浮点单元(FPU),内存保护单元(MPU)和嵌入式跟踪宏单元(ETM)。该系列采用高速嵌入式**体(高达256 KB的快闪**体,以32字节的SRAM),以及增强的广泛的I / O和外设连接到两条APB总线。
STM32F37x设备提供了一个快速12 -位ADC(1 MSPS),3个16位Σ-Δ型ADC,两个比较器,两个DAC(DAC1的2个通道和1个通道DAC2的),低功耗RTC,9个通用16 -位定时器,2个通用32位定时器,三个基本定时器,
的的STM32F37x家庭经营-40至+85°C和-40至+105°C温度范围从2.0至3.6 V电源。一套全面的省电模式允许低功耗应用设计


    ARM的32位Cortex®-M4 CPU(72 MHz最大),单周期乘法和硬件除法,DSP指令与FPU(浮点运算单元)和MPU(存储器保护单元) 回忆
    • 64至256 KB的快闪**体
    • 32的SRAM硬件校验检查
    • 4至32 MHz的晶体振荡器
    • 32带校准的32kHz RTC振荡器
    • 内部的8 MHz RC×16的PLL选项
    • 内部40 kHz振荡器
    • 接警后,定期唤醒从停止/待机
    • 2.0到3.6 V
    • POR时,PDR和PVD
    • 睡觉,停止和待机模式
    • 英美烟草公司为RTC和后备寄存器供电至五(1.65 V至3.6 V)
    调试模式:串行线调试(SWD),JTAG接口,Cortex-M4的技术手册 DMA的
    • 12通道的DMA控制器
    • 支持的外设:定时器,模数转换器,SPI接口,我2个USART和DAC
    高达3×16位Σ-ΔADC,具有独立的从2.2 V至3.6 V模拟电源,多达21个单人/ 11比较通道,每通道可编程增益 1×12位​​,1微秒,具有独立的模拟电源从2.4 V至3.6 V ADC 高达2快速轨到轨的模拟比较器 温度传感器 高达3×12位DAC通道 支持多达24电容式感应键 高达84快速I / O端口,所有分机制图。中断向量,和几个5 V耐压 17定时器
    • 2个32位定时器和3个16位定时器,多达4的IC / OC / PWM或​​脉冲计数器
    • 2 x 16位定时器,多达2的IC / OC / PWM或​​脉冲计数器
    • 4个16位定时器,多达1个IC /业主立案法团/ PWM或​​脉冲计数器
    • 2个看门狗定时器(独立,窗)
    • SysTick定时器:24位递减计数器
    • 3×16位的基本定时器驱动DAC
  • 通讯接口
    • CAN接口(2.0B主动)
    • USB 2.0全速接口

    • 2
    • 多达3个USART(ISO 7816接口,林,红外,调制解调器控制,autobaudrate)
    • 与复用我的3个SPI,2 S
    • CRC计算单位,96位唯一的ID
    • HDMI-CEC的总线接口


The STM32F37x family is based on the high-performance ARM® Cortex™-M4 32-bit RISC core operating at a frequency of up to 72 MHz, and embedding a floating point unit (FPU), a memory protection unit (MPU) and an embedded trace macrocell (ETM). The family incorporates high-speed embedded memories (up to 256 Kbyte of Flash memory, up to 32 Kbytes of SRAM), and an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses.

The STM32F37x devices offer one fast 12-bit ADC (1 Msps), up to three 16-bit Sigma delta ADCs, up to two Comparators, up to two DACs (DAC1 with 2 channels and DAC2 with 1 channel), a low-power RTC, 9 general-purpose 16-bit timers, two general-purpose 32-bit timers, three basic timers.

They also feature standard and advanced communication interfaces: up to two I2Cs, three SPIs, all with muxed I2Ss, three USARTs, CAN and USB.

The STM32F37x family operates in the -40 to +85 °C and -40 to +105 °C temperature ranges from a 2.0 to 3.6 V power supply. A comprehensive set of power-saving mode allows the design of low-power applications.

The STM32F37x family offers devices in five packages ranging from 48 pins to 100 pins. The set of included peripherals changes with the device chosen.


Key Features

    ARM 32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU (72 MHz max), single-cycle multiplication and HW division, DSP instruction with FPU (floating-point unit) and MPU (memory protection unit) Memories
    • 64 to 256 Kbytes of Flash memory
    • 32 Kbytes of SRAM with HW parity check
    Clock management
    • 4 to 32 MHz crystal oscillator
    • 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration
    • Internal 8 MHz RC with x 16 PLL option
    • Internal 40 kHz oscillator
    Calendar RTC
    • Alarm, periodic wakeup from Stop/Standby
    Reset and supply management
    • 2.0 to 3.6 V
    • POR, PDR and PVD
    Low power
    • Sleep, Stop, and Standby modes
    • VBATsupply for RTC and backup registers (1.65 V to 3.6 V)
    Debug mode: serial wire debug (SWD), JTAG interfaces, Cortex-M4 ETM DMA
    • 12-channel DMA controller
    • Peripherals supported: timers, ADCs, SPIs, I2Cs, USARTs and DACs
    Up to 3 x 16-bit Sigma Delta ADC with separate analog supply from 2.2 V to 3.6 V, up to 21 single/ 11 diff channels, 7 programmable gains per channel 1 x 12-bit, 1 μs ADC with separate analog supply from 2.4 V to 3.6 V Up to 2 fast rail-to-rail analog comparators Temperature sensor Up to 3 x 12-bit DAC channels Support for up to 24 capacitive sensing keys Up to 84 fast I/O ports, all mappable on ext. interrupt vectors, and several 5 V-tolerant 17 timers
    • 2 x 32-bit timer and 3 x 16-bit timers with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter
    • 2 x 16-bit timers with up to 2 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter
    • 4 x 16-bit timers with up to 1 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter
    • 2 x watchdog timers (independent, window)
    • SysTick timer: 24-bit downcounter
    • 3 x 16-bit basic timers to drive the DAC
  • Communication interfaces
    • CAN interface (2.0B Active)
    • USB 2.0 full speed interface
    • 2 x I2C with 20 mA current sink to support Fast mode plus
    • Up to 3 USARTs (ISO 7816 interface, LIN, IrDA, modem control, autobaudrate)
    • Up to 3 SPIs, with muxed I2S
    • CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID
    • HDMI-CEC bus interface

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