从论坛上得到过不少有价值的资料,今天将自己在学习DSP的过程中的一点小收获给大家分享一下。 1、在进行vc5502倍频操作时,遇到的第一个问题是,不知道如何访问PLL的控制寄存器。首先PLL的控制寄存器是被分配在I/O space,对I/O space的寄存器访问不像对cpu寄存器,可以直接进行声明和访问,对I/O space的寄存器需要用到关键词ioport来声明。格式举例如下: #define PLLCSR ((volatile ioport int *)0X1C80) 该语句是把0x1c80定义为一个I/O空间的指针量并用PLLCSR来替换。在对I/O空间的寄存器0x1c80进行访问时与对一个指针变量的操作相同。格式如下 * PLLCSR=....或….= *PLLCSR 2、在正确的访问寄存器的基础上,设置dsp的PLL要满足一定的规则(该部分内容可以参见vc5502的datasheet) : The following procedure must be followed to change or to set the PLL to a specific value: 1. Switch to bypass mode by setting the PLLEN bit to 0. 2. Set the PLL to its reset state by setting the PLLRST bit to 1. 3. Change the PLL setting through the PLLM and PLLDIV0 bits. 4. Wait for 1 μs. 5. Release the PLL from its reset state by setting PLLRST to 0. 6. Wait for the PLL to relock by polling the LOCK bit or by setting up a LOCK interrupt. 7. Switch back to PLL mode by setting the PLLEN bit to 1. Note:The frequency of the C55x Subsystem Clock Group can be up to 300 MHz for the TMS320VC5502-300 and up to 200 MHz for the TMS320VC5502-200.
Program example
void init_fuc() { u16 i; *PLLCSR=0X0048; //PLLEN=0,PLLRST=1(PLL asserted) *PLLM=0x0003; //phrequency 2 TIMES *PLLDIV0=0x8000; //enable PLLDIV0 and divided by 1 for(i=0;i<500;i++); //waiting> 1us *PLLCSR=0X0040; //PLLRST=0(PLL released) while((*PLLCSR & 0x0020)==0);//polling the lock bit until it is changed to 1 *PLLCSR=0X0041; //PLLare not bypassed }