第一是:项目的路径需要放在Documents and Settings\,也就是默认的文件夹的地方,不然会报错
Question:CY8CKIT-023 kit example project fails to build in PSoC Creator with the following error when run on a Parallels Desktop – “Warp.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience” “Error: cdf.M0005: CyDsFit aborted due to errors, please address all errors and rerun CyDsFit. (App=cydsfit)”
Response: Currently, PSoC Creator does not support building a project from a network share drive. Typically, “My Documents” or equivalent folder is seen as a shared network folder by Windows running on Parallels Desktop. Please save the project in a local folder (say C:\Documents and Settings\User\...) and rebuild the example project.
第二是:KEIL需要激活 由于它是使用KEIL编译的
Warning L52
EVAL Version Used Before, Rebuild all *.OBJ Files
Summary *** Warning L52
EVAL Version Used Before, Rebuild all *.OBJ Files
Module: filename (module-name)
Description The specified module has been build with a code size restricted version (Eval Version). You should rebuild all *.OBJ files of your project to ensure that no file implies code size limits for your project.
Cause Typically this problem occurs when an Eval Version has been used before or a project was created before a license has been activated on this computer.
Resolution Rebuild the complete project. |