13.4的ISE 下载线 就是很普通的 JTAG线
忘了说了 错误是
A problem may exist in the hardware configuration. Check that the cable, scan chain, and power connections are intact, that the specified scan chain configuration matches the actual hardware, and that the power supply is adequate and delivering the correct voltage.
不能识别 并且 只有这一个错误:A problem may exist in the hardware configuration. Check that the cable, scan chain, and power connections are intact, that the specified scan chain configuration matches the actual hardware, and that the power supply is adequate and delivering the correct voltage.除了这个 没显示别的错误!
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 X86 32bit SYS 14:35:41, version = 1021.
LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
Cable connection established.
INFO:iMPACT - Failed to open file: -- File ? --, replace with 'bypass'.
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device unknown successfully.
Active mode is BS
Project: 'C:\Xilinx\13.4\ISE_DS\\auto_project.ipf' loaded.
Attempting to identify devices in the boundary-scan chain configuration...
INFO:iMPACT - Current time: 2012-10-10 22:22:23
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Identifying chain contents...done.
ERROR:iMPACT - A problem may exist in the hardware configuration. Check that the cable, scan chain, and power connections are intact, that the specified scan chain configuration matches the actual hardware, and that the power supply is adequate and delivering the correct voltage.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 0 sec.