2.1 Voltage glitch on ADC input 0
A low-amplitude voltage glitch may be generated (on ADC input 0) on the PA0 pin, when the ADC is converting with injection trigger. It is generated by internal coupling and synchronized to the beginning and the end of the injection sequence, whatever the channel(s) to be converted.
The glitch amplitude is less than 150 mV with a typical duration of 10 ns (measured with the I/O configured as high-impedance input and left unconnected). If PA0 is used as a digital output, this has no influence on the signal. If PA0 is used has a digital input, it will not be detected as a spurious transition, providing that PA0 is driven with an impedance lower than 5 kΩ. This glitch does not have any influence on the remaining port A pin or on the ADC conversion injection results, in single ADC configuration.
When using the ADC in dual mode with injection trigger, and in order to avoid any side effect, it is advised to distribute the analog channels so that Channel 0 is configured as an injected channel.