

xiao6666|  楼主 | 2012-12-15 15:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The ISE® design flow is shown in the following figure and described in the following sections.
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Design Creation
During design creation, you create an ISE project and then, create or add source files to that project. ISE projects can contain many types of source files and design modules, including HDL, EDIF/NGC netlist, schematic, intellectual property (IP), embedded processor, and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) modules. For more information, see the following topics:
Understanding the ISE Project File
Design Entry Overview
Working with Source Control Systems
During synthesis, the synthesis engine compiles the design to transform HDL sources into an architecture-specific design netlist. The ISE software supports the use of Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST), which is delivered with the ISE software, as well as third party synthesis tools, including Synplify, Synplify Pro, and Precision software. For more information, see the following topics:
XST Synthesis Overview
Using Synplify or Synplify Pro Software for Synthesis
Using Precision Software for Synthesis
At various points during the design flow, you can verify the functionality of the design using a simulation tool. From within the ISE viewing environment, you can use ISim, which is delivered with the ISE software, or ModelSim simulators. Alternatively, you can simulate your design outside of ISE Project Navigator using any supported simulator. For more information, see the following topics:
Simulation Overview
Functional Simulation
Timing Simulation
Constraints Entry
Using design constraints, you can specify timing, placement, and other design requirements. The ISE software provides editors to facilitate constraints entry for timing constraints as well as I/O pin and layout constraints. For more information, see the following topics:
Constraints Overview
I/O Pin Planning with PlanAhead™ Software
Timing Constraints Strategies
Floorplanning and Assigning Placement Constraints with PlanAhead Software
After synthesis, you run design implementation, which converts the logical design into a physical file format that can be downloaded to the selected target device. Using the Project Navigator Design Goals and Strategies, you can modify process properties to control the implementation and optimization of the design. To attempt to meet your design goals faster, you can use SmartXplorer to automate multiple implementation runs with different process properties. For more information, see the following topics:
Implementation Overview for FPGAs
Implementation Overview for CPLDs
Using Design Goals and Strategies
Using SmartXplorer
Implementation Analysis
After implementation, you can analyze your design for performance against constraints, device resource utilization, timing performance, and power utilization. You can view results in static report files and by looking at actual device implementation in graphical layout tools, such as the PlanAhead software and FPGA Editor. You can interactively analyze timing and power results using the Timing Analyzer and XPower Analyzer tools. And, you can perform in-system debugging using the ChipScope™ Pro tool. For more information, see the following topics:
Implementation Analysis Overview
Design Summary Overview
Report Analysis Overview
Timing Analysis Overview
Power Analysis Overview
ChipScope Pro Tool Debugging Overview
Implementation Improvement
Based on the analysis of your design results, you can make changes to design sources, process properties, or design constraints and then, rerun synthesis, implementation, or both to achieve design closure. For more information, see the following topics:
Implementation Improvement Overview
Implementation Strategies using FPGA Editor
Memory Use and Runtime Strategies for FPGAs
Using SmartGuide™ Technology
Device Configuration and Programming
After generating a programming file, you configure y**ice. During configuration, you generate configuration files and download the programming files from a host computer to a Xilinx® device. For more information, see the following topics:
Configuration and Programming Overview
Generating a Programming File
iMPACT Overview


jahnson066| | 2012-12-15 20:26 | 只看该作者


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