6) 通过PROGRAMMER——SETTING——Programmer-TO-GO,点“Send IMAGE In Memory”,将HEX下载到PICKIT3主机中。“IMAGE NAME”,是为将要下载到PICKIT3主机中的HEX另外取的名字,可以不填,该名称,与HEX文件的文件名无关。
7) 下载完毕,软件界面提示如下,为防止错误操作,请关闭MPLAB IDE。
Downloading image...
Download of Programmer-to-go image complete
PICkit 3 is now in Programmer to go mode.
PICkit 3 will be disconnected from this session.
The next time you connect (or re-connect) to this unit, you will have the choice to take it off Programmer to go mode.
你好,我用PICkit3烧录PIC16F1828芯片,平时烧录都没问题的,最近买了个新的烧录器,就不行了,还是按以前的步骤,到"send image in memory"后就显示
"Download of image failed. PICkit 3 is not in programmer to go mode
Image download failed"