
求购/ 8780A 8780A 8780A信号发生器

a563579853|  楼主 | 2013-3-5 09:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

            求购/ 8780A 8780A 8780A信号发生器

联系: 邹先生
东莞: 13168918785  
深圳: 18923859098
电话: 0755-82437689
邮箱  zqb1988623326@163.com


8780A 8780A 8780A 8780A 8780A 8780A 8780A
8780A 8780A 8780A 8780A 8780A 8780A 8780A 信号源
产品名称: 信号源 8780A
品  牌: HP
产品型号: 8780A
产品指标: 10 MHz-3 GHz  
产品信息: 8780A vector signal generator is a synthesized IF source with exceptional modulation for modern receiver and component testing. It is capable of modulation bandwidths almost 100 times wider than previous synthesizers. It has built-in mapping to simplify generation of common digital modulation formats. Its extra-wide modulation bandwidth comes from a vector modulator that effectively doubles baseband modulation bandwidths for 700 MHz of output modulation. The vector signal generator′ wideband modulation is complemented with an unmodulated coherent carrier output for demodulation of test signals. The Agilent 8780A vector signal generator offers a wide variety of modulation using both digital and analog inputs. It generates many standard digital modulation formats like QPSK and 16 QAM and traditional modulation like FM, AM, and pulse. By combining the different modulation types, signals as diverse as Barker-coded radar pulses and Doppler-shifted satellite signals can be simulated. The Agilent 8780A vector signal generator is well suited for receiver measurements where wideband or complex modulations are required. It can be used as a calibrated transmitter to test modern radar EW receivers or communication receivers using vector I/Q modulation techniques. It provides a stable, coherent carrier for pulse measurement. It can also be upconverted if receivers operate at frequencies higher than 3 GHz.
10 MHz to 3 GHz IF testing
BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, digital modulation and pulse
Direct-sequence spread spectrum modulation with chip widths to 7 ns
Pulse modulation with 1 ns rise times
700 MHz modulation bandwidth using I/Q or vector
Wideband FM: over 200 MHz p-p deviations
Optional analog phase modulation for satellite telemetry

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