分析:怀疑是复位电路问题(图如下), RESETN是cpu的复位引脚,低电平有效(Active low input asserted for at least 256 system clock (40ns))
WRSTO是cpu的看门狗输出,当cpu复位时,这个引脚也会输出一个复位信号(低电平有效)。datasheet上的说明:The CPU has a single reset input that can be driven by a system reset circuit or a simple power on reset circuit. The CPU also features a reset output (WRSTO) that can be used to reset other devices in the system.
问题: 1.这个现象的出现是否由于cpu的复位要求没达到呢? 2.因为cpu上电后,会从flash中读取指令来执行程序,是否由于cpu已经要从flash中读取指令执行的时候,这时候flash才复位呢(flash的复位太滞后了)? 3.又或者是flash的复位要求没达到呢? |