本帖最后由 zhangziye0505 于 2013-4-7 09:25 编辑
现在有Msp430g2553 Lauchpad 用code composer studio version5(CCSv5)
写个模拟交通信号灯的代码 绿黄红的交替亮 红绿亮10秒 黄亮5秒(好像没有黄灯 可以用红绿一起亮代表黄灯)
下面那些笑脸的表情都是P 不知道为什么会变成表情
有个可以让led闪的code 和一个 interrupt的code
LED Blink的code如下:
.cdecls C,LIST,"msp430g2553.h" ; Include device header file
.text ; Place program in ROM (Flash)
.global _main ; set entry point
INIT_STACK: .set 0x400 ;0x400 = 0x03FE+2, 0x03FE = RAM BOTTOM
mov.w #INIT_STACK,SP ; initialize stack pointer 11
StopWDT: mov.w #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; Stop WDT (Watch Dog Timer) 12
SetupP1: bis.b #41h, &P1DIR ; Set Pin P1.0 and Pin P1.6 as output pins (P1.0 and
;P1.6 connected to LEDs)
; immediate mode, absolute mode
; 41 hex = 001000001 binary
Mainloop: xor.b #41h, &P1OUT ; Toggle P1.0 and P1.6
; immediate mode, absolute mode
; 41 hex = 01000001 binary
Wait: mov.w #65535, R15 ; Put delay in R15
; immediate mode, absolute mode
L1: dec.w R15 ; Decrement R15
jnz L1
; xor.b #40h, &P1OUT ; Delay over?
jmp Mainloop ; Again
;Interrupt Vectors
.sect ".reset" ; MSP430 RESET Vector
.short _main
这个是Interrupt Button
.cdecls C,LIST,"msp430g2553.h" ; cdecls tells assembler to allow
; the c header file
.text ; program start
.global _main ; define entry point
INIT_STACK: .set 0x400 ;0x400 = 0x03FE+2, 0x03FE = RAM BOTTOM
; Main Code
mov.w #INIT_STACK,SP ; initialize stack pointer
mov.w #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; stop watchdog timer
clr.b &P1DIR ; set all pins on Port1 for input
clr.b &P1IFG ; clear the interupt flag for all pins on Port1
clr.b &P1OUT ; clear output buffer for all pins on Port1
bis.b #BIT6, &P1DIR ; set pin6 of prot1 (pin 1.6) as output pin (LED)
bis.b #BIT3, &P1OUT ; set pin3 of port1 (pin 1.3, pushbutton) to pullup
bis.b #BIT3, &P1REN ; set pullup resistor at pin 3 of port 1 (pin 1.3)
bis.b #BIT3, &P1IES ; interrupt on falling edge signal on pin 1.3
bis.b #BIT3, &P1IE ; enable interrupt on pin3 of port1 (pin 1.3)
Sleep bis.w #GIE|CPUOFF|SCG1|SCG0,SR ; Enter LPM3 (Low Power Mode 3), ENABLE INTERRUPTS
mov.w #6,R14 ; R14 counts how many times the big delay loop is executed
Next xor.b #BIT6,&P1OUT ; Toggle P1.6 (led)
mov.w #65535,R15 ; R15 is the counter for the big delay loop
L1 dec.w R15 ; Decrement big delay loop counter
jnz L1 ; Delay over?
dec.w R14 ; yes, dealy over, decrement R14 counter
jnz Next ; go to big delay loop again
jmp Sleep ; go to sleep again
bic.w #CPUOFF|SCG1|SCG0,0(SP) ; CPU awake on return from ISR
clr.b &P1IFG ; multi sourced interrupt, therefore you must clear the interrupt flag
reti ; return from interrupt
; Interrupt Vectors
.sect ".int02"
.short PORT1_ISR
.sect ".reset" ; MSP430 RESET Vector
.short _main