请高手讲解一下MSP430 的 BOR这个功能,
The brownout reset circuit detects low supply voltages such as when a supply voltage is applied to or
removed from the VCC terminal. The brownout reset circuit resets the device by triggering a POR signal
when power is applied or removed. The operating levels are shown in Figure 2-2.
The POR signal becomes active when VCC crosses the VCC(start) level. It remains active until VCC crosses the
V(B_IT+) threshold and the delay t(BOR) elapses. The delay t(BOR) is adaptive being longer for a slow ramping
VCC. The hysteresis Vhys(B_ IT-) ensures that the supply voltage must drop below V(B_IT-) to generate another
POR signal from the brownout reset circuitry。