下面是汇编的代码 又能看懂的帮忙翻译一下 确认一下是否可行 谢啦
title "White Noise Generator"
; Tom Wiltshire for Elecric Druid, March 2008
; This program provides a replacement for the notorious
; MM5837 digital noise source chip. It provides pure
; white noise by outputting random bits at >90KHz.
; This gives a pure noise spectrum to well above audio
; range (3dB dip at 45KHz).
; Hardware Notes:
; PIC12F675 running at 4 MHz using internal clock
; The hardware is very simple. There are no inputs.
; One output
; GP4: NOISE output
list p=12f675 ; list directive to define processor
#include <p12f675.inc> ; processor specific variable definitions
errorlevel -302 ; suppress message 302 from list file
; Variables
CBLOCK 0x020
; LFSR 1, a 31-bit register
; LFSR 2, a 23-bit register
; Temporary storage
; Useful bit definitions for clarity
#define ZEROBIT STATUS,Z ; Zero Flag
#define CARRY STATUS,C ; Carry Flag
#define BORROW STATUS,C ; Borrow is the same as Carry
; Begin Executable Code Segment
org 0x000 ; processor reset vector
goto Main ; Avoid the interrupt vector
; org 0x004 ; interrupt vector location
; Do the setting up
bsf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 1
; call 0x3FF ; Retrieve factory calibration value
; movwf OSCCAL ; Store cal value
clrf ANSEL ; Turn off analog inputs
movlw b'101111' ; GP4 Output, all others unused inputs
movwf TRISIO
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 0
clrf GPIO
movlw 0x07
movwf CMCON
; Set up initial values of the registers
movlw 0x45
movwf LFSR1_1
movlw 0x57
movwf LFSR1_2
movlw 0x9F
movwf LFSR1_3
movlw 0xF2
movwf LFSR1_4
movlw 0xD7
movwf LFSR2_1
movlw 0xC8
movwf LFSR2_2
movlw 0x79
movwf LFSR2_3
; movlw 0x3F
; movwf GPIO
; movlw 0xFF
; movwf TEMP
; nop
; nop
; decfsz TEMP, F
; goto DelayLoop
; clrf GPIO
; movlw 0xFF
; movwf TEMP
; nop
; nop
; decfsz TEMP, F
; goto DelayLoop2
; goto MainLoop
; 31-bit LFSR with taps at 31 and 28
swapf LFSR1_4, W ; Get bit 28
movwf TEMP
rlf LFSR1_4, W ; Get bit 31
xorwf TEMP, F
; Shift the XORd bit into carry
rlf TEMP, F
; Shift the register
rlf LFSR1_1, F
rlf LFSR1_2, F
rlf LFSR1_3, F
rlf LFSR1_4, F
; Output the noise bit
movf LFSR1_1, W
movwf GPIO
; 21-bit LFSR with taps at 21 and 19
rrf LFSR2_3, W ; Get bit 19
movwf TEMP
rrf TEMP, F
swapf LFSR2_3, W ; Get bit 21
xorwf TEMP, F
; Shift the XORd bit into carry
rrf TEMP, F
; Shift the register
rlf LFSR2_1, F
rlf LFSR2_2, F
rlf LFSR2_3, F
; Output the noise bit
movf LFSR2_1, W
movwf GPIO
goto MainLoop
; We never reach here
end |