本帖最后由 缥缈九哥 于 2013-12-8 18:43 编辑
帮助客户调了一个驱动,直接用NANO120的16位总线驱动了神舟III号4.3寸液晶屏,EBI中的ALE配置成GPIO用于写地址和写数据的区别,默认情况是写命令。不用EBI总线中的ALE锁存地址步骤,其余两个GPIO做LCD的复位和背光启动。PLL用到了96M,HCLK用到了48MHZ,感觉 超频了6MHZ了。发出来抛砖引玉,希望大家指正。附件:
(4.64 KB)
* @file ssd1963.c
* @brief The Driver code for 480*272 16-bit Color LCD with NANO120KE3BN
* @version 1.0.0
* @date 05, December, 2013
* @note
* Copyright (C) 2000-2013 PM9GZY by yuanxihua@21cn.com. All rights reserved.
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include "nano1xx.h"
#include "nano1xx_gpio.h"
#include "nano1xx_ebi.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "core_cmInstr.h"
#include "rfid.h"
| NANO120KE3BN SSD1963 |
| |
| EBIAD0- EBIAD15 <---> DB0-DB15 |
| EBIWR PA10 ----> WR# |
| EBIRD PA11 ----> RD# |
| EBICS PB7 ----> CS# |
| PB6 EBIALE ----> D/C# |
| PA8 EBIPA8 ----> RESET# |
| PA9 EBIPA9 ----> LEDA |
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define LCD_LEDA GPIOA, 9 /* PA9=High,BackLight ON; Low,BackLight OFF */
#define LCD_RESET GPIOA, 8 /* PA8=Low,LCD Reset;PA8=High,LCD Working */
#define LCD_DCMD GPIOB, 6 /* PB6=High,DATA mode; PB6=Low,COMMAND mode */
#define LCD_RESET_DELAY 100 /* LCD_RESET=Low,LCD_RESET_DELAY>=100us */
#define BLACK 0x0000 /* 黑色: 0 , 0 , 0 */
#define NAVY 0x000F /* 深蓝色: 0 , 0 , 128 */
#define DGREEN 0x03E0 /* 深绿色: 0 , 128, 0 */
#define DCYAN 0x03EF /* 深青色: 0 , 128, 128 */
#define MAROON 0x7800 /* 深红色: 128, 0 , 0 */
#define PURPLE 0x780F /* 紫色: 128, 0 , 128 */
#define OLIVE 0x7BE0 /* 橄榄绿: 128, 128, 0 */
#define LGRAY 0xC618 /* 灰白色: 192, 192, 192 */
#define DGRAY 0x7BEF /* 深灰色: 128, 128, 128 */
#define BLUE 0x001F /* 蓝色: 0 , 0 , 255 */
#define GREEN 0x07E0 /* 绿色: 0 , 255, 0 */
#define CYAN 0x07FF /* 青色: 0 , 255, 255 */
#define RED 0xF800 /* 红色: 255, 0 , 0 */
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F /* 品红: 255, 0 , 255 */
#define YELLOW 0xFFE0 /* 黄色: 255, 255, 0 */
#define WHITE 0xFFFF /* 白色: 255, 255, 255 */
#define SSD1963_HDP 0xDF01 /* HDP=479=0x01DF */
#define SSD1963_HT 0x1302 /* HT =531=0x0213 */
#define SSD1963_HPS 0x2B00 /* HPS=43 =0x002B */
#define SSD1963_LPS 0x0800 /* LPS=8 =0x0008 */
#define SSD1963_HPW 10 /* HPW=10 =0x0A */
#define SSD1963_VDP 0x0F01 /* VDP=271=0x010F */
#define SSD1963_VT 0x2001 /* VT =288=0x0120 */
#define SSD1963_VPS 0x0C00 /* VPS=12 =0x000C */
#define SSD1963_FPS 0x0100 /* FPS=1 =0x0001 */
#define SSD1963_VPW 10 /* VPW=10 =0x0A */
/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Command Hex Code Description */
#define SSD1963_nop 0x00 /* No operation */
#define SSD1963_soft_reset 0x01 /* Software Reset */
#define SSD1963_get_power_mode 0x0A /* Get the current power mode */
#define SSD1963_get_address_mode 0x0B /* Get the frame buffer to the display panel read order */
#define SSD1963_Reserved0c 0x0C /* Reserved */
#define SSD1963_get_display_mode 0x0D /* The SSD1963 returns the Display Image Mode. */
#define SSD1963_get_tear_effect_status 0x0E /* Get the Tear Effect status */
#define SSD1963_Reserved0f 0x0F /* Reserved */
#define SSD1963_enter_sleep_mode 0x10 /* Turn off the panel. This command will pull low the GPIO0. If GPIO0 is configured as normal GPIO or LCD miscellaneous signal with command set_gpio_conf, this command will be ignored. */
#define SSD1963_exit_sleep_mode 0x11 /* Turn on the panel. This command will pull high the GPIO0. If GPIO0 is configured as normal GPIO or LCD miscellaneous signal with command set_gpio_conf, this command will be ignored. */
#define SSD1963_enter_partial_mode 0x12 /* Part of the display area is used for image display. */
#define SSD1963_enter_normal_mode 0x13 /* The whole display area is used for image display. */
#define SSD1963_exit_invert_mode 0x20 /* Displayed image colors are not inverted. */
#define SSD1963_enter_invert_mode 0x21 /* Displayed image colors are inverted. */
#define SSD1963_set_gamma_curve 0x26 /* Selects the gamma curve used by the display panel. */
#define SSD1963_set_display_off 0x28 /* Blanks the display panel */
#define SSD1963_set_display_on 0x29 /* Show the image on the display panel */
#define SSD1963_set_column_address 0x2A /* Set the column address */
#define SSD1963_set_page_address 0x2B /* Set the page address */
#define SSD1963_write_memory_start 0x2C /* Transfer image information from the host processor interface to the SSD1963 starting at the location provided by set_column_address and set_page_address */
#define SSD1963_read_memory_start 0x2E /* Transfer image data from the SSD1963 to the host processor interface starting at the location provided by set_column_address and set_page_address */
#define SSD1963_set_partial_area 0x30 /* Defines the partial display area on the display panel */
#define SSD1963_set_scroll_area 0x33 /* Defines the vertical scrolling and fixed area on display area */
#define SSD1963_set_tear_off 0x34 /* Synchronization information is not sent from the SSD1963 to the host processor */
#define SSD1963_set_tear_on 0x35 /* Synchronization information is sent from the SSD1963 to the host processor at the start of VFP */
#define SSD1963_set_address_mode 0x36 /* Set the read order from frame buffer to the display panel */
#define SSD1963_set_scroll_start 0x37 /* Defines the vertical scrolling starting point */
#define SSD1963_exit_idle_mode 0x38 /* Full color depth is used for the display panel */
#define SSD1963_enter_idle_mode 0x39 /* Reduce color depth is used on the display panel. */
#define SSD1963_Reserved3a 0x3A /* Reserved */
#define SSD1963_write_memory_continue 0x3C /* Transfer image information from the host processor interface to the SSD1963 from the last written location */
#define SSD1963_read_memory_continue 0x3E /* Read image data from the SSD1963 continuing after the last read_memory_continue or read_memory_start */
#define SSD1963_set_tear_scanline 0x44 /* Synchronization information is sent from the SSD1963 to the host processor when the display panel refresh reaches the provided scanline */
#define SSD1963_get_scanline 0x45 /* Get the current scan line */
#define SSD1963_read_ddb 0xA1 /* Read the DDB from the provided location */
#define SSD1963_Reserveda8 0xA8 /* Reserved */
#define SSD1963_set_lcd_mode 0xB0 /* Set the LCD panel mode and resolution */
#define SSD1963_get_lcd_mode 0xB1 /* Get the current LCD panel mode, pad strength and resolution */
#define SSD1963_set_hori_period 0xB4 /* Set front porch */
#define SSD1963_get_hori_period 0xB5 /* Get current front porch settings */
#define SSD1963_set_vert_period 0xB6 /* Set the vertical blanking interval between last scan line and next LFRAME pulse */
#define SSD1963_get_vert_period 0xB7 /* Set the vertical blanking interval between last scan line and next LFRAME pulse */
#define SSD1963_set_gpio_conf 0xB8 /* Set the GPIO configuration. If the GPIO is not used for LCD, set the direction. Otherwise, they are toggled with LCD signals. */
#define SSD1963_get_gpio_conf 0xB9 /* Get the current GPIO configuration */
#define SSD1963_set_gpio_value 0xBA /* Set GPIO value for GPIO configured as output */
#define SSD1963_get_gpio_status 0xBB /* Read current GPIO status. If the individual GPIO was configured as input, the value is the status of the corresponding pin. Otherwise, it is the programmed value. */
#define SSD1963_set_post_proc 0xBC /* Set the image post processor */
#define SSD1963_get_post_proc 0xBD /* Set the image post processor */
#define SSD1963_set_pwm_conf 0xBE /* Set the image post processor */
#define SSD1963_get_pwm_conf 0xBF /* Set the image post processor */
#define SSD1963_set_lcd_gen0 0xC0 /* Set the rise, fall, period and toggling properties of LCD signal generator 0 */
#define SSD1963_get_lcd_gen0 0xC1 /* Get the current settings of LCD signal generator 0 */
#define SSD1963_set_lcd_gen1 0xC2 /* Set the rise, fall, period and toggling properties of LCD signal generator 1 */
#define SSD1963_get_lcd_gen1 0xC3 /* Get the current settings of LCD signal generator 1 */
#define SSD1963_set_lcd_gen2 0xC4 /* Set the rise, fall, period and toggling properties of LCD signal generator 2 */
#define SSD1963_get_lcd_gen2 0xC5 /* Get the current settings of LCD signal generator 2 */
#define SSD1963_set_lcd_gen3 0xC6 /* Set the rise, fall, period and toggling properties of LCD signal generator 3 */
#define SSD1963_get_lcd_gen3 0xC7 /* Get the current settings of LCD signal generator 3 */
#define SSD1963_set_gpio0_rop 0xC8 /* Set the GPIO0 with respect to the LCD signal generators using ROP operation. No effect if the GPIO0 is configured as general GPIO. */
#define SSD1963_get_gpio0_rop 0xC9 /* Get the GPIO0 properties with respect to the LCD signal generators. */
#define SSD1963_set_gpio1_rop 0xCA /* Set the GPIO1 with respect to the LCD signal generators using ROP operation. No effect if the GPIO1 is configured as general GPIO. */
#define SSD1963_get_gpio1_rop 0xCB /* Get the GPIO1 properties with respect to the LCD signal generators. */
#define SSD1963_set_gpio2_rop 0xCC /* Set the GPIO2 with respect to the LCD signal generators using ROP operation. No effect if the GPIO2 is configured as general GPIO. */
#define SSD1963_get_gpio2_rop 0xCD /* Get the GPIO2 properties with respect to the LCD signal generators. */
#define SSD1963_set_gpio3_rop 0xCE /* Set the GPIO3 with respect to the LCD signal generators using ROP operation. No effect if the GPIO3 is configured as general GPIO. */
#define SSD1963_get_gpio3_rop 0xCF /* Get the GPIO3 properties with respect to the LCD signal generators. */
#define SSD1963_set_dbc_conf 0xD0 /* Set the dynamic back light configuration 0xD1 get_dbc_conf Get the current dynamic back light configuration */
#define SSD1963_set_dbc_th 0xD4 /* Set the threshold for each level of power saving */
#define SSD1963_get_dbc_th 0xD5 /* Get the threshold for each level of power saving */
#define SSD1963_set_pll 0xE0 /* Start the PLL. Before the start, the system was operated with the crystal oscillator or clock input */
#define SSD1963_set_pll_mn 0xE2 /* Set the PLL */
#define SSD1963_get_pll_mn 0xE3 /* Get the PLL settings */
#define SSD1963_get_pll_status 0xE4 /* Get the current PLL status */
#define SSD1963_set_deep_sleep 0xE5 /* Set deep sleep mode */
#define SSD1963_set_lshift_freq 0xE6 /* Set the LSHIFT (pixel clock) frequency */
#define SSD1963_get_lshift_freq 0xE7 /* Get current LSHIFT (pixel clock) frequency setting */
#define SSD1963_Reservede8 0xE8 /* Reserved */
#define SSD1963_Reservede9 0xE9 /* Reserved */
#define SSD1963_set_pixel_data_interface 0xF0 /* Set the pixel data format of the parallel host processor interface */
#define SSD1963_get_pixel_data_interface 0xF1 /* Get the current pixel data format settings */
#define SSD1963_Reservedff 0xFF /* Reserved */
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
void SSD1963_Fill(uint16_t color);
extern void SYS_Delay(uint32_t us);
void Delay_ms(uint32_t ms)
for(uint32_t i=0;i<ms;i++){SYS_Delay(1000);}
// Enable EBI function with 16-bit data width
void NANOEBI_Init(void)
/* Enable EBI clock */
/* EBI function enable */
// Enable EBIAD15-0, GPIOPA9-8
GCR->PA_L_MFP = (GCR->PA_L_MFP & 0x0000000f) | 0x22222220; //PA7_MFP-PA1_MFP = EBI AD[6]-EBI AD[12]
GCR->PA_H_MFP = (GCR->PA_H_MFP & 0xf0000000) | 0x02222200; //PA14_MFP-PA12_MFP = EBI AD[15]-EBI AD[13] PA11_MFP-PA10_MFP = EBIWR-EBIRD PA9_MFP-PA8_MFP = PA9-PA8
GCR->PB_L_MFP = (GCR->PB_L_MFP & 0x00ffffff) | 0x20000000; //PB7_MFP-PB6_MFP = EBICS-PB6
GCR->PB_H_MFP = (GCR->PB_H_MFP & 0xff00ffff) | 0x00220000; //PB13_MFP-PB12_MFP = EBI AD[1]-EBI AD[0]
GCR->PC_L_MFP = (GCR->PC_L_MFP & 0x00ffffff) | 0x22000000; //PC15_MFP-PC14_MFP = EBI AD[3]-EBI AD[2]
GCR->PC_H_MFP = (GCR->PC_H_MFP & 0x00ffffff) | 0x22000000; //PC7_MFP-PC6_MFP = EBI AD[5]-EBI AD[4]
sEBITiming.eMCLKDIV = E_EBI_MCLKDIV_1; //OK!!! 480NS 2.083MHZ
sEBITiming.u8ExttALE=sEBITiming.u8ExtIR2R=sEBITiming.u8ExtIR2W = 0;
sEBITiming.u8ExtIW2X=sEBITiming.u8ExttAHD=sEBITiming.u8ExttACC = 0;
*(volatile uint16_t*)EBI_BASE_ADDR=0xFFFF; //Set D0-D15 to HIGH
GPIO_SetBit(LCD_LEDA); //PA9=High,BackLight ON; Low,BackLight OFF
GPIO_SetBit(LCD_DCMD); //PB6=High,DATA mode; PB6=Low,COMMAND mode
GPIO_SetBit(LCD_RESET); //PA8=Low,LCD Reset;PA8=High,LCD Working
static void EBI_test(void) {while(1) {*(volatile uint16_t*)EBI_BASE_ADDR=0x5555;*(volatile uint16_t*)EBI_BASE_ADDR=0xAAAA;}}
static __INLINE void SSD1963_WrPAR(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len){while(len--){EBI_WRITE_DATA16(0, *data++);}}
static __INLINE void SSD1963_WrCMD(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len){GPIO_ClrBit(LCD_DCMD);EBI_WRITE_DATA16(0, cmd);GPIO_SetBit(LCD_DCMD);SSD1963_WrPAR(data, len);}
static __INLINE void SSD1963_WrRAM(uint16_t *data, uint32_t len){while(len--){EBI_WRITE_DATA16(0, *data++);}}
void SSD1963_Init(void)
uint32_t Parameter;
Parameter=0x04021d; //PLL multiplier, set PLL clock to 120M N=0x36 for 6.5M, 0x23 for 10M crystal
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_pll_mn,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 3);
Parameter=0x01; //Enable PLL
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_pll,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 1);
Parameter=0x03; //Use PLL output as system clock
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_pll,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 1);
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_soft_reset,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 0); //software reset
Parameter=0x16D900; //PLL setting for PCLK, depends on resolution
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_lshift_freq,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 3);
Parameter=0x0020; //LCD SPECIFICATION
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_lcd_mode,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
Parameter=SSD1963_HDP; //Set HDP
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
Parameter=SSD1963_VDP; //Set VDP
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 3);
Parameter=SSD1963_HT; //Set HT HSYNC
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_hori_period,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
Parameter=SSD1963_HPS; //Set HPS
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
Parameter=SSD1963_HPW; //Set HPW
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 1);
Parameter=SSD1963_LPS; //Set LPS
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 3);
Parameter=SSD1963_VT; //Set VT VSYNC
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_vert_period,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
Parameter=SSD1963_VPS; //Set VPS
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
Parameter=SSD1963_VPW; //Set VPW
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 1);
Parameter=SSD1963_FPS; //Set FPS
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
Parameter=0x05; //0x000F; //GPIO[3:0] out 1
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_gpio_value,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 1);
Parameter=0x0107; //GPIO0 normal GPIO3=input, GPIO[2:0]=output
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_gpio_conf,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
Parameter=0x00; //rotation
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_address_mode,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 1);
Parameter=0x8006; //set PWM for B/L
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_pwm_conf,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 4);
Parameter=0x0d; //设置动态背光控制配置
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_dbc_conf,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 1);
Parameter=0x03; //03:16-bit (565 format)
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_pixel_data_interface,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 1);
// SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_enter_invert_mode,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 0); //进入图形颜色翻转模式
// Parameter=0x01808080; //处理机允许 饱和度值 亮度 对比度
// SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_post_proc,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 4);
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_display_on,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 0); //display on
void SSD1963_Fill(uint16_t color)
uint32_t Parameter;
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_column_address,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_set_page_address,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
SSD1963_WrPAR((uint8_t*)&Parameter, 2);
SSD1963_WrCMD(SSD1963_write_memory_start,(uint8_t*)&Parameter, 0);
for(uint32_t i=0;i<130560;i++){SSD1963_WrRAM(&color, 1);}
void LCD_test(void)
void LCD_Configuration(void)