本帖最后由 grant_jx 于 2014-2-26 23:25 编辑
ST官网这回很奇怪,出了EVAL却没有给出demonstration firmware,以前只有STM3210C-Eval说是有ucOS的版权问题,没有开放,仅提供目标文件的工程,难道这块板上跑的演示软件也一样?找ST的人问了,说也没有,要去问欧洲的人,实在太折腾了。
刚刚上ST官网上STM32429I-EVAL的页面,发现Related Tools and Software部分终于盼来了一个软件“STM32CubeMX”,奇怪这是什么东西?不管了,先下来看看。
http://www.st.com/web/catalog/to ... 532/LN1199/PF259093
按照Data Brief 的说法,功能很强大啊
STM32Cube™ includes the STM32CubeF4 which is a graphical software configuration tool that allows generating C initialization code using graphical wizards.
It also embeds a comprehensive software platform, delivered per series (such as STM32CubeF4 for STM32F4 series). This platform includes the STM32Cube HAL (an STM32 abstraction layer embedded software, ensuring maximized portability across STM32 portfolio), plus a consistent set of middleware components (RTOS, USB, TCP/IP and graphics). All embedded software utilities come with a full set of examples.
STM32CubeF4 gathers in one single package all the generic embedded software components required to develop an application on STM32F4 microcontrollers. Following STM32Cube™ initiative, this set of components is highly portable, not only within STM32F4 series but also to other STM32 series.
STM32CubeF4 is fully compatible with STM32CubeMX code generator that allows generating initialization code. The package includes a low level hardware abstraction layer (HAL) that covers the microcontroller hardware, together with an extensive set of examples running on STMicroelectronics boards. The HAL is available in open-source BSD license for user convenience
Key Features
◾Consistent and complete embedded software offer that frees the user from dependency issues
◾Maximized portability between all STM32 series supported by STM32Cube
◾Hundreds of examples for easy understanding
◾High quality HAL using CodeSonar® static analysis tool
◾STM32F4-specific middleware including USB Host and Device and TCP/IP stack
◾Free user-friendly license terms
◾Update mechanism that can be enabled by the user to be notified of new releases
第二个标签页,给出了一个Clock Tree的配置,哦,很直观啊。不用再向以前,用ST提供的Excel表格计算了。
各位要开始能够使用,出去要下载STM32CubeMX这个软件外,还要下载每个系列各自对应的STM32CubeFW,比如我现在用的是STM32F429IGT6,我还下载了STM32CubeF4 v1.0
100多兆的压缩包,解压后有500多兆,打开STM32CubeMX软件,在Help下面找到“Updater Setting”,在Firmware Repository设置你改成解压出来的STM32CubeF4目录。
做完这些后,在Help下找到“New Libraries Manager”对话框里面你可以看到STM32CubeF4 Release,如果配置正确,下面的Firmware一栏,坐前面的方框是绿色的,要没指定,显示的是白色。