//printf(" The code in inside flash, excute in inside flash \n\r");
printf(" The code in fsmc flash, excute in fsmc flash \n\r");
SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000);
tmp1 = isr_count;
tmp2 = SysTick->VAL;
printf(" The tick is %d a millisecond \n\r", (SystemCoreClock / 1000));
printf(" The use time is: %dms-%d tick \n\r", tmp1, ((SystemCoreClock / 1000) - tmp2));
The code in fsmc flash, excute in fsmc flash
The tick is 72000 a millisecond
The use time is: 2ms-63555 tick
The code in inside flash, excute in inside flash
The tick is 72000 a millisecond
The use time is: 0ms-19837 tick