PSoC Designer 5.1版本的软件上,用了颗CY8C20434芯片(所以软件选型上也选择了CY8C2043)
当只加了定时器模块和Cap Sensors模块,并设了2个Cap Button和一个Slider(五个触点)
LMM info: area 'InterruptRAM' uses 72 bytes in SRAM bank 0
LMM info: area 'ram2' item of 57 bytes allocated in SRAM page 0
LMM info: area 'ram1' item of 56 bytes allocated in SRAM page 0
LMM info: area 'ram0' item of 42 bytes allocated in SRAM page 0
LMM info: area 'bss' item of 7 bytes allocated in SRAM page 0
LMM info: area 'bss' item of 6 bytes allocated in SRAM page 0
LMM info: area 'virtual_registers' uses 2 bytes in SRAM page 0
ROM 36% full. 2942 out of 8192 bytes used (does not include absolute areas).
RAM 95% full. 242 bytes used (does not include stack usage).
idata dump at output/TR109A.idata
Built with ICCM8C STD V7.04
HY101A - 0 error(s) 0 warning(s) 22:56:20
当只加了定时器模块和Cap Sensors模块,并设了3个Cap Button和一个Slider(五个触点)
LMM info: area 'InterruptRAM' uses 72 bytes in SRAM bank 0
LMM info: area 'ram2' item of 65 bytes allocated in SRAM page 0
LMM info: area 'ram1' item of 64 bytes allocated in SRAM page 0
LMM info: area 'ram0' item of 48 bytes allocated in SRAM page 0
LMM info: area 'bss' item of 6 bytes allocated in SRAM page 0
!E <library>(2385): {linker} Cannot allocate space for 8 bytes for 'bss' area
!E <library>(2385): {linker} Cannot allocate space for paged area 'virtual_registers'
d:\PROGRA~1\Cypress\PSOCDE~1\5.1\Common\CYPRES~3\tools\make: *** [output/TR109A.rom] Error 1
HY101A - 3 error(s) 0 warning(s) 23:01:09
从上面分析可以看出,编译器只认到了256个Byte的RAM吗? |