

偏爱番茄酱|  楼主 | 2014-11-24 17:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
飞雨| | 2014-11-24 23:22 | 只看该作者


dirtwillfly| | 2014-11-25 13:49 | 只看该作者


hhf1112| | 2014-11-27 16:19 | 只看该作者


偏爱番茄酱|  楼主 | 2014-12-5 20:52 | 只看该作者


偏爱番茄酱|  楼主 | 2014-12-5 20:52 | 只看该作者

// a=tau / (tau + loop time)
// newAngle = angle measured with atan2 using the accelerometer
// newRate = angle measured using the gyro
// looptime = loop time in millis()

float tau = 0.075;
float a = 0.0;
float Complementary(float newAngle, float newRate, int looptime)
    float dtC = float(looptime) / 1000.0;
    a = tau / (tau + dtC);
    x_angleC = a * (x_angleC + newRate * dtC) + (1 - a) * (newAngle);
    return x_angleC;


// newAngle = angle measured with atan2 using the accelerometer
// newRate = angle measured using the gyro
// looptime = loop time in millis()
float Complementary2(float newAngle, float newRate, int looptime)
    float k = 10;
    float dtc2 = float(looptime) / 1000.0;
    x1 = (newAngle -   x_angle2C) * k * k;
    y1 = dtc2 * x1 + y1;
    x2 = y1 + (newAngle -   x_angle2C) * 2 * k + newRate;
    x_angle2C = dtc2 * x2 + x_angle2C;
    return x_angle2C;
//Here too we just have to set the k and magically we get the angle. 卡尔曼滤波

// KasBot V1 - Kalman filter module

float Q_angle  =  0.01; //0.001
float Q_gyro   =  0.0003;  //0.003
float R_angle  =  0.01;  //0.03
float x_bias = 0;
float P_00 = 0, P_01 = 0, P_10 = 0, P_11 = 0;
float  y, S;
float K_0, K_1;

// newAngle = angle measured with atan2 using the accelerometer
// newRate = angle measured using the gyro
// looptime = loop time in millis()

float kalmanCalculate(float newAngle, float newRate, int looptime)
    float dt = float(looptime) / 1000;
    x_angle += dt * (newRate - x_bias);
    P_00 +=  - dt * (P_10 + P_01) + Q_angle * dt;
    P_01 +=  - dt * P_11;
    P_10 +=  - dt * P_11;
    P_11 +=  + Q_gyro * dt;

    y = newAngle - x_angle;
    S = P_00 + R_angle;
    K_0 = P_00 / S;
    K_1 = P_10 / S;

    x_angle +=  K_0 * y;
    x_bias  +=  K_1 * y;
    P_00 -= K_0 * P_00;
    P_01 -= K_0 * P_01;
    P_10 -= K_1 * P_00;
    P_11 -= K_1 * P_01;

    return x_angle;
//To get the answer, you have to set 3 parameters: Q_angle, R_angle, R_gyro.

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode:T; c-basic-offset:8; tab-width:8; -*- vi: set ts=8:
* $Id: tilt.c,v 1.1 2003/07/09 18:23:29 john Exp $
* 1 dimensional tilt sensor using a dual axis accelerometer
* and single axis angular rate gyro.  The two sensors are fused
* via a two state Kalman filter, with one state being the angle
* and the other state being the gyro bias.  *
* Gyro bias is automatically tracked by the filter.  This seems
* like magic.
* Please note that there are lots of comments in the functions and
* in blocks before the functions.  Kalman filtering is an already complex
* subject, made even more so by extensive hand optimizations to the C code
* that implements the filter.  I've tried to make an effort of explaining
* the optimizations, but feel free to send mail to the mailing list,
* autopilot-devel@lists.sf.net, with questions about this code.
* (c) 2003 Trammell Hudson <hudson@rotomotion.com>
*  This file is part of the autopilot onboard code package.
*  Autopilot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*  (at your option) any later version.
*  Autopilot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with Autopilot; if not, write to the Free Software
*  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#include <math.h>

* Our update rate.  This is how often our state is updated with
* gyro rate measurements.  For now, we do it every time an
* 8 bit counter running at CLK/1024 expires.  You will have to
* change this value if you update at a different rate.
static const float dt = ( 1024.0 * 256.0 ) / 8000000.0;

* Our covariance matrix.  This is updated at every time step to
* determine how well the sensors are tracking the actual state.
static float  P[2][2] =
    { 1, 0 },
    { 0, 1 },

* Our two states, the angle and the gyro bias.  As a byproduct of computing
* the angle, we also have an unbiased angular rate available.   These are
* read-only to the user of the module.
float   angle;
float   q_bias;
float   rate;

* R represents the measurement covariance noise.  In this case,
* it is a 1x1 matrix that says that we expect 0.3 rad jitter
* from the accelerometer.
static const float R_angle = 0.3;

* Q is a 2x2 matrix that represents the process covariance noise.
* In this case, it indicates how much we trust the acceleromter
* relative to the gyros.
static const float Q_angle = 0.001;
static const float Q_gyro = 0.003;

* state_update is called every dt with a biased gyro measurement
* by the user of the module.  It updates the current angle and
* rate estimate.
* The pitch gyro measurement should be scaled into real units, but  * does not need any bias removal.  The filter will track the bias.
* Our state vector is:
* X = [ angle, gyro_bias ]
* It runs the state estimation forward via the state functions:
* Xdot = [ angle_dot, gyro_bias_dot ]
* angle_dot = gyro - gyro_bias
* gyro_bias_dot = 0
* And updates the covariance matrix via the function:
* Pdot = A*P + P*A' + Q
* A is the Jacobian of Xdot with respect to the states:
* A = [ d(angle_dot)/d(angle)     d(angle_dot)/d(gyro_bias) ]
*     [ d(gyro_bias_dot)/d(angle) d(gyro_bias_dot)/d(gyro_bias) ]
*   = [ 0 -1 ]
*     [ 0  0 ]
* Due to the small CPU available on the microcontroller, we've
* hand optimized the C code to only compute the terms that are
* explicitly non-zero, as well as expanded out the matrix math
* to be done in as few steps as possible.  This does make it harder
* to read, debug and extend, but also allows us to do this with
* very little CPU time.
void state_update( const float  q_m /* Pitch gyro measurement */)
    /* Unbias our gyro */
    const float  q = q_m - q_bias;

     * Compute the derivative of the covariance matrix
     * Pdot = A*P + P*A' + Q
     * We've hand computed the expansion of A = [ 0 -1, 0 0 ] multiplied   * by P and P multiplied by A' = [ 0 0, -1, 0 ].  This is then added
     * to the diagonal elements of Q, which are Q_angle and Q_gyro.
    const float  Pdot[2 * 2] =
        Q_angle - P[0][1] - P[1][0], /* 0,0 */
        - P[1][1],                          /* 0,1 */
        - P[1][1],                          /* 1,0 */
        Q_gyro                                            /* 1,1 */

    /* Store our unbias gyro estimate */
    rate = q;

     * Update our angle estimate
     * angle += angle_dot * dt
     *       += (gyro - gyro_bias) * dt
     *       += q * dt
    angle += q * dt;

    /* Update the covariance matrix */
    P[0][0] += Pdot[0] * dt;
    P[0][1] += Pdot[1] * dt;
    P[1][0] += Pdot[2] * dt;
    P[1][1] += Pdot[3] * dt;

* kalman_update is called by a user of the module when a new
* accelerometer measurement is available.  ax_m and az_m do not
* need to be scaled into actual units, but must be zeroed and have
* the same scale.
* This does not need to be called every time step, but can be if
* the accelerometer data are available at the same rate as the
* rate gyro measurement.
* For a two-axis accelerometer mounted perpendicular to the rotation
* axis, we can compute the angle for the full 360 degree rotation
* with no linearization errors by using the arctangent of the two
* readings.
*  * As commented in state_update, the math here is simplified to
* make it possible to execute on a small microcontroller with no
* floating point unit.  It will be hard to read the actual code and
* see what is happening, which is why there is this extensive
* comment block.
* The C matrix is a 1x2 (measurements x states) matrix that
* is the Jacobian matrix of the measurement value with respect
* to the states.  In this case, C is:
* C = [ d(angle_m)/d(angle)  d(angle_m)/d(gyro_bias) ]
*   = [ 1 0 ]
* because the angle measurement directly corresponds to the angle
* estimate and the angle measurement has no relation to the gyro
* bias.
void kalman_update(
    const float  ax_m, /* X acceleration */
    const float  az_m /* Z acceleration */
    /* Compute our measured angle and the error in our estimate */
    const float  angle_m = atan2( -az_m, ax_m );
    const float  angle_err = angle_m - angle;

     * C_0 shows how the state measurement directly relates to
     * the state estimate.
     * The C_1 shows that the state measurement does not relate
     * to the gyro bias estimate.  We don't actually use this, so
     * we comment it out.
    const float  C_0 = 1;
    /* const float  C_1 = 0; */

     * PCt<2,1> = P<2,2> * C'<2,1>, which we use twice.  This makes
     * it worthwhile to precompute and store the two values.
     * Note that C[0,1] = C_1 is zero, so we do not compute that
     * term.   */
    const float  PCt_0 = C_0 * P[0][0]; /* + C_1 * P[0][1] = 0 */
    const float  PCt_1 = C_0 * P[1][0]; /* + C_1 * P[1][1] = 0 */

     * Compute the error estimate.  From the Kalman filter paper:
     * E = C P C' + R
     * Dimensionally,
     * E<1,1> = C<1,2> P<2,2> C'<2,1> + R<1,1>
     * Again, note that C_1 is zero, so we do not compute the term.
    const float  E =
        + C_0 * PCt_0
        /* + C_1 * PCt_1 = 0 */

     * Compute the Kalman filter gains.  From the Kalman paper:
     * K = P C' inv(E)
     * Dimensionally:
     * K<2,1> = P<2,2> C'<2,1> inv(E)<1,1>
     * Luckilly, E is <1,1>, so the inverse of E is just 1/E.
    const float  K_0 = PCt_0 / E;
    const float  K_1 = PCt_1 / E;

     * Update covariance matrix.  Again, from the Kalman filter paper:
     * P = P - K C P
     * Dimensionally:
     * P<2,2> -= K<2,1> C<1,2> P<2,2>
     *   * We first compute t<1,2> = C P.  Note that:
     * t[0,0] = C[0,0] * P[0,0] + C[0,1] * P[1,0]
     * But, since C_1 is zero, we have:
     * t[0,0] = C[0,0] * P[0,0] = PCt[0,0]
     * This saves us a floating point multiply.
    const float  t_0 = PCt_0; /* C_0 * P[0][0] + C_1 * P[1][0] */
    const float  t_1 = C_0 * P[0][1]; /* + C_1 * P[1][1]  = 0 */

    P[0][0] -= K_0 * t_0;
    P[0][1] -= K_0 * t_1;
    P[1][0] -= K_1 * t_0;
    P[1][1] -= K_1 * t_1;

     * Update our state estimate.  Again, from the Kalman paper:
     * X += K * err
     * And, dimensionally,
     * X<2> = X<2> + K<2,1> * err<1,1>
     * err is a measurement of the difference in the measured state
     * and the estimate state.  In our case, it is just the difference
     * between the two accelerometer measured angle and our estimated
     * angle.
    angle += K_0 * angle_err;
    q_bias += K_1 * angle_err;


偏爱番茄酱|  楼主 | 2014-12-5 20:54 | 只看该作者


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偏爱番茄酱|  楼主 | 2014-12-5 20:56 | 只看该作者

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偏爱番茄酱|  楼主 | 2014-12-5 21:01 | 只看该作者


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小班儿| | 2015-1-12 13:20 | 只看该作者


qinhuan7| | 2015-1-31 15:49 | 只看该作者


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