..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(163): warning: #47-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "__MPU_PRESENT" (declared at line 104 of "..\CMSIS\stm32f10x.h")
#define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< STM32F4XX provides an MPU */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(172): error: #101: "IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
typedef enum IRQn
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(175): error: #101: "NonMaskableInt_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(176): error: #101: "MemoryManagement_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< 4 Cortex-M4 Memory Management Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(177): error: #101: "BusFault_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< 5 Cortex-M4 Bus Fault Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(178): error: #101: "UsageFault_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< 6 Cortex-M4 Usage Fault Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(179): error: #101: "SVCall_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 Cortex-M4 SV Call Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(180): error: #101: "DebugMonitor_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< 12 Cortex-M4 Debug Monitor Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(181): error: #101: "PendSV_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Cortex-M4 Pend SV Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(182): error: #101: "SysTick_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 Cortex-M4 System Tick Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(184): error: #101: "WWDG_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
WWDG_IRQn = 0, /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(185): error: #101: "PVD_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
PVD_IRQn = 1, /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detection Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(188): error: #101: "FLASH_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
FLASH_IRQn = 4, /*!< FLASH global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(189): error: #101: "RCC_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
RCC_IRQn = 5, /*!< RCC global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(190): error: #101: "EXTI0_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI0_IRQn = 6, /*!< EXTI Line0 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(191): error: #101: "EXTI1_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI1_IRQn = 7, /*!< EXTI Line1 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(192): error: #101: "EXTI2_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI2_IRQn = 8, /*!< EXTI Line2 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(193): error: #101: "EXTI3_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI3_IRQn = 9, /*!< EXTI Line3 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(194): error: #101: "EXTI4_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI4_IRQn = 10, /*!< EXTI Line4 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(346): error: #101: "CAN1_RX1_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
CAN1_RX1_IRQn = 21, /*!< CAN1 RX1 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(347): error: #101: "CAN1_SCE_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
CAN1_SCE_IRQn = 22, /*!< CAN1 SCE Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(348): error: #101: "EXTI9_5_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI9_5_IRQn = 23, /*!< External Line[9:5] Interrupts */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(352): error: #101: "TIM1_CC_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
TIM1_CC_IRQn = 27, /*!< TIM1 Capture Compare Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(353): error: #101: "TIM2_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
TIM2_IRQn = 28, /*!< TIM2 global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(354): error: #101: "TIM3_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
TIM3_IRQn = 29, /*!< TIM3 global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(355): error: #101: "TIM4_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
TIM4_IRQn = 30, /*!< TIM4 global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(356): error: #101: "I2C1_EV_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
I2C1_EV_IRQn = 31, /*!< I2C1 Event Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(357): error: #101: "I2C1_ER_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
I2C1_ER_IRQn = 32, /*!< I2C1 Error Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(358): error: #101: "I2C2_EV_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
I2C2_EV_IRQn = 33, /*!< I2C2 Event Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(359): error: #101: "I2C2_ER_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
I2C2_ER_IRQn = 34, /*!< I2C2 Error Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(360): error: #101: "SPI1_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
SPI1_IRQn = 35, /*!< SPI1 global Interrupt */
web_server.c: 1 warning, 30 errors
compiling enc28j60.c...
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(163): warning: #47-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "__MPU_PRESENT" (declared at line 104 of "..\CMSIS\stm32f10x.h")
#define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< STM32F4XX provides an MPU */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(172): error: #101: "IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
typedef enum IRQn
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(175): error: #101: "NonMaskableInt_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(176): error: #101: "MemoryManagement_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< 4 Cortex-M4 Memory Management Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(177): error: #101: "BusFault_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< 5 Cortex-M4 Bus Fault Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(178): error: #101: "UsageFault_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< 6 Cortex-M4 Usage Fault Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(179): error: #101: "SVCall_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 Cortex-M4 SV Call Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(180): error: #101: "DebugMonitor_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< 12 Cortex-M4 Debug Monitor Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(181): error: #101: "PendSV_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Cortex-M4 Pend SV Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(182): error: #101: "SysTick_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 Cortex-M4 System Tick Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(184): error: #101: "WWDG_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
WWDG_IRQn = 0, /*!< Window WatchDog Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(185): error: #101: "PVD_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
PVD_IRQn = 1, /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detection Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(188): error: #101: "FLASH_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
FLASH_IRQn = 4, /*!< FLASH global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(189): error: #101: "RCC_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
RCC_IRQn = 5, /*!< RCC global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(190): error: #101: "EXTI0_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI0_IRQn = 6, /*!< EXTI Line0 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(191): error: #101: "EXTI1_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI1_IRQn = 7, /*!< EXTI Line1 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(192): error: #101: "EXTI2_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI2_IRQn = 8, /*!< EXTI Line2 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(193): error: #101: "EXTI3_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI3_IRQn = 9, /*!< EXTI Line3 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(194): error: #101: "EXTI4_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI4_IRQn = 10, /*!< EXTI Line4 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(346): error: #101: "CAN1_RX1_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
CAN1_RX1_IRQn = 21, /*!< CAN1 RX1 Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(347): error: #101: "CAN1_SCE_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
CAN1_SCE_IRQn = 22, /*!< CAN1 SCE Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(348): error: #101: "EXTI9_5_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
EXTI9_5_IRQn = 23, /*!< External Line[9:5] Interrupts */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(352): error: #101: "TIM1_CC_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
TIM1_CC_IRQn = 27, /*!< TIM1 Capture Compare Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(353): error: #101: "TIM2_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
TIM2_IRQn = 28, /*!< TIM2 global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(354): error: #101: "TIM3_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
TIM3_IRQn = 29, /*!< TIM3 global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(355): error: #101: "TIM4_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
TIM4_IRQn = 30, /*!< TIM4 global Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(356): error: #101: "I2C1_EV_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
I2C1_EV_IRQn = 31, /*!< I2C1 Event Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(357): error: #101: "I2C1_ER_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
I2C1_ER_IRQn = 32, /*!< I2C1 Error Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(358): error: #101: "I2C2_EV_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
I2C2_EV_IRQn = 33, /*!< I2C2 Event Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(359): error: #101: "I2C2_ER_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
I2C2_ER_IRQn = 34, /*!< I2C2 Error Interrupt */
..\CMSIS\stm32f4xx.h(360): error: #101: "SPI1_IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope
SPI1_IRQn = 35, /*!< SPI1 global Interrupt */
enc28j60.c: 1 warning, 30 errors
"..\Output\STM32429-DEMO-enc28j60.axf" - 60 Error(s), 2 Warning(s).
Target not created