各位大虾,你们装的orcad10.5 有没有以下问题: 用open菜单打开已建的*opj文件事出现下面的错误: This application, Capture CIS,has encounterned following unrecoverable exception,and hence needs closed down
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: One of the threads has tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access
Do you want to save all the open design now before Capture closes?
HKEY_CURRENT_USER SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer下的 NoRecentDocsHistory注册表项(DWORD类型的)设置为0,重启explorer.exe进程
可是,我的注册表中没有 NoRecentDocsHistory项。我自己新建了一个并设置为0,但问题依旧,请大家帮帮忙,看看应该怎么解决,不胜感激。