东方郭 https://bbs.21ic.com/?88040 [收藏] [复制] [RSS] 东方郭,原网名"一网见天下",正式成为创业大军中的一员,开始了工程师创业之旅……



已有 879 次阅读2008-4-29 20:48 |个人分类:东方郭产品|系统分类:电测仪表| 温湿度采集模块

     For the convenience of users of humidity in remote data collection and monitoring of the demand, I introduced the Secretary for the integration of temperature and humidity acquisition module, the module integrates imports of temperature and humidity sensor data, without correction, the need to provide users with debugging and secondary development of communication protocol , Is wet temperature data collection network of the best solution.

    The module was launched on a Secretary of Zibo in Shandong 16 orders!

Following is the product introduced!

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SLMT series of temperature and humidity data acquisition module, with USA and Switzerland for temperature and humidity sensors, low-cost on-line monitoring of temperature and humidity state of the practical integration module can be widely used in real-time monitoring of temperature data collection in various applications.
SLMT series of temperature and humidity data acquisition module on the environment of temperature, humidity real-time data collection, display, data transmission, temperature and humidity detection system of high reliability, low cost and simple wiring structure. As a traditional system of temperature and humidity ideal alternative, a small volume, for correction, to facilitate networking and so on. With wireless or GPRS and field bus modules, will be scattered in different parts of the node module by wire or wireless means to link up with the monitoring center, to reduce energy consumption and promote safe production purposes.
This module can be (1) SMT industry monitor temperature and humidity data (2) Electronic Equipment Factory of temperature and humidity data monitoring (3) cold storage temperature and humidity monitoring (4) the storage temperature and humidity monitoring (5) GMP pharmaceutical monitoring system (6) Environment Temperature and humidity control (7) Telecom Room Temperature and Humidity Monitoring (8) Other need to monitor the temperature and humidity, and so on various occasions.
In order to facilitate the use of network engineering group, the module provides secondary development of communication protocol, support the secondary development. Users simply according to our protocol to the use of any serial communication software modules for data and settings.

Second, the technical parameters and characteristics
Showing temperature of -40 ℃ ~ +123.8 ℃
Temperature measurement accuracy of 0.5 ℃
Showing the scope of measuring wet 0 ~ 100RH
Precision measuring wet ± 4.5% RH
Response time <8S
Channels two channels, one channel temperature and humidity of a channel
19200 baud rate (which can be ordered other baud rate)
Communications port RS232 (optional RS485 module)
DC 5V 1A power supply
2W power
Weight of 300 grams
Storage temperature of -40 - 85 ℃
Operating environment: -40 - 85 ℃ -40 ℃ ~ +85 ℃
Dimension 90 × 66 × 26mm ³






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