本帖最后由 FSL_TICS_A 于 2015-9-6 13:44 编辑
蓝牙飞鼠方案由KL16,加速度传感器,陀螺仪以及电子罗盘组成,它可以通过蓝牙或者红外波段与智能主机连接起来,而且它还以可以通过DAC和ADC模块实现音频的输出和输入。同时结合蓝牙HFP配置文件,此蓝牙空鼠还可以作为蓝牙耳机。 关键特性如下 Ø Bluetooth Air Mouse and Keyboard via HID profile Ø Voice input and output via Bluetooth HFP profile Ø 38K Infrared Remote and IR waveformself-learning Ø 6/9-axis sensors with precise algorithms Ø Power management with user action detectionalgorithms Ø Firmware upgrade via USB port (A USB to UARTdaughter board is needed for this feature) Ø Battery charge via USB port 硬件组成: 1. 飞思卡尔 Kinetis MKL16Z256VLH4 (256KBFLASH / 32K RAM)(主控芯片) 2. 飞思卡尔 MAG3110FCR2(电子罗盘) 3. 飞思卡尔 MMA8563FCR1(加速度计) 4. 飞思卡尔 FXAS21000CQR1(陀螺仪) 5. RDA5876A,Compliant with Bluetooth 2.1 + EDRspecification(蓝牙模块) 更多细节请下载附件了解
Air Mouse.pdf
(325.6 KB)