室内空气环境关系到我们每天的生活、工作、学习,掌握室内环境的数据才能做到良好的调整室内的空气。现在有一款即时监督室内空气环境的仪器,采用ATmega32U4为核心,Atmel Studio技术,结合LED等显示和无线连接。可以用手机轻松检测室内环境。多一点关注,才会多一点进步。
Watery eyes. Itchy nose. Soar throat. Headaches. Do you always seem to feel a bit ill yet are not sure why? The answer may be found in the air around you. While we’re all aware of the pollutants that we breathe in on a regular basis outdoors, do you ever wonder what exactly you’re inhaling inside right your home? This is where Airboxlab comes in. Airboxlab is a smart, cylindrical device that monitors indoor air quality and reports on how much volatile organic compounds (VOC), CO2, CO and particulate matter surrounds you on a regular basis. These embedded sensors continually measure the various sources and levels of your indoor pollution around the clock, while the results are safely collated and stored in the cloud for analysis. On top of that, it is completely modular. With support for I2C and analog already built-in, adding more sensors to your unit is super simple. In addition to its sensors, the airflow gadget is equipped with an ATmega32U4 at its core, a Wi-Fi module for wireless communication, RGB LEDs for displaying air quality, and a microUSB port for power. Each Airboxlab is designed specifically for use in living spaces, where it will send data to the cloud every five minutes and relay results along with helpful advice to your smartphone. “The firmware was written with Atmel Studio, a powerful and free software tool, slightly more complicated than Arduino but which allowed [us] to write way faster code. We also provide the tool to configure the device from a computer and to flash its firmware,” its creators reveal. If the name sounds familiar, that’s because you may stumbled upon their successful Indiegogo campaign back in 2013. The team had garnered over €13,000, and has continued to work on enhancing its features. For instance, you can now receive instant measurements by double-clicking on the top of the household accessory. While the concept of indoor air quality is nothing new, what’s intriguing about Airboxlab is that it is entirely open source and is tailored towards the burgeoning Maker community. Not only is it based on easy-to-use AVR chips, the team has crafted its enclosure in such a way that it can be recreated in any Makerspace or fablab with a laser cutter, a drill and a few other tools. They have shared all of their files, including their CAD, on GitHub.