
configure the Eclipse IDE for development of Yocto applications.

FSL_TICS_Rita|  楼主 | 2015-9-29 15:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 FSL_TICS_Rita 于 2015-9-29 15:39 编辑

飞思卡尔21IC支持小组推出手把手学会i.MX开发系列十八、This document shows the necessary steps to configure the Eclipse IDE for development of Yocto applications.


1) Linux machine. Ubuntu 12.4 or higher is recommended.

2) Yocto Freescale BSP Release or Freescale Community BSP.
For this example we'll use the Freescale BSP Release L3.14.28 but you may use the FSL Community BSP.

- Freescale Community BSP
FSL Community BSP

- Freescale BSP Release  Documentation L3.14.28 (login required)

3) Poky Meta Toolchain (Poky 1.7 / L3.14.28 for our example but you should use the toolchain that corresponds to the BSP that will be used)
For information on how to extract and install the meta toolchain please follow the steps on the next document.
Task #7 - Create the toolchain

4) Eclipse Luna.
We’ll use the Luna SR2 (4.4.2) version of the Eclipse IDE. You may find it on the following website:

Look for the “Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers”, which contains the Eclipse Platform, the Java Development Tools (JDT), and the Plug-in Development Environment.

Once you have downloaded the tarball extract it. The following command unpacks and installs the downloaded Eclipse IDE tarball into a clean directory using the default name eclipse:
  •      $ cd ~
  •      $ tar -xzvf ~/Downloads/eclipse-cpp-luna-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

Configuring the Eclipse IDE

Once with Eclipse Luna installed you may run the Eclipse IDE with the following command:

  • $ cd eclipse
  • $ ./eclipse

Select a new workspace.

Chose "Install New Software" from the "Help" pull-down menu.

Select the "Luna - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/luna"

Find and expand the Linux Tools option and select:
  • Linux Tools LTTng Tracer Control
  • Linux Tools LTTng Userspace Analysis
  • LTTng Kernel Analysis

If some of these options are not listed it means that they are already installed. (To change this you may uncheck the Hide items that are already installed box)

Find and expand the Mobile and Device Development and select the following:
  •   C/C++ Remote Launch (Requires RSE Remote System Explorer)
  •   Remote System Explorer End-user Runtime
  •   Remote System Explorer User Actions
  •   Target Management Terminal (Core SDK)
  •   TCF Remote System Explorer add-in
  •   TCF Target Explorer

If some of these options are not listed it means that they are already installed. (To change this you may uncheck the Hide items that are already installed box)

Expand Programming Languages and select:
  •   C/C++ Autotools Support
  •   C/C++ Development Tools

Chose Next and accept the necessary EULA

Clck on the Finish button. The selected packages will be downloaded and installed. You will be asked to restart Eclipse IDE to finish the installation.

Adding the Yocto Plug-in to the Eclipse IDE

Next step is to install the Eclipse Yocto Plug-in into the Eclipse IDE. We'll show how to install the pre-built plug in.

Start the Eclipse IDE

In Eclipse, select "Install new Software" from the "Help" menu

Click the "Add..." button to add a repository and enter:

Name: Any name, we will use Yocto Fio

Location: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/eclipse-plugin/1.8/luna

Click "Ok" and then chose this new repository on the "Work with" drop-down menu and select the following plug-ins from the list:
  •   Yocto Project ADT Plug-in
  •   Yocto Project Bitbake Commander Plug-in
  •   Yocto Project Documentation plug-in

Install these plug-ins and click "OK" when prompted about installing software that contains unsigned content. You may be asked to restart the Eclipse IDE.

Configuring the Eclipse Yocto Plug-in

With all the necessary packages installed we'll now configure the Eclipse Yocto Plug-in. In this steps we will configure the Cross Compiler options and the Target options. These will then be used as default for your projects from within your working workspace.

Select "Preferences" from the "Window" menu.

Click on Yocto Project ADT from the left options and then under Cross Compiler Options select the Standalone pre-built toolchain radio button. We need to point to the Toolchain Root location of our installed toolchain. This is covered on the following community document:
Task #7 - Create the toolchain

In this case we'll be using poky 1.7 tollchain which has the following default location:

As fo the Sysroot Location this would correspond to your build directory sysroot folder, which is located on the following path:

In our case our Tartget architecture would be the Cortex-A9, which correspond to the i.MX6 and which is also the only option installed on the chosen directory.

For Target Options we would be using the actual HW in order to test our application so keep the External HW option selected.

Creating a Hello World Project

We are now ready to create our project. Just to test our configuration we'll create a Hello World project.We can do so by selecting File->New->C Project or C++ Project

We must then select a Project name and in project type we can chose either an Empty project or as in our case a Hello World Project, all this under the Yocto Project ADT Autotools Project folder. We will have the GNU Autotools Tolchain selected.

The next screen will show some of the Basic Properties for our project, including the GNU license. Fill these as required. You may clock on Finish at this point.

We should see that the HelloWorld project was created. We should right-click on the project folder and then chose Reconfigure Project in order to fill the necessary libraries.

After this is completed we can build our project either by choosing the hammer icon or in the Build Project option inside the Project menu. We can look for correct competition or any errors or warning on the Console tab.


FSL_TICS_Rita|  楼主 | 2015-10-8 09:14 | 只看该作者


mini1986| | 2015-10-9 10:24 | 只看该作者


FSL_TICS_Rita|  楼主 | 2015-10-10 10:32 | 只看该作者
mini1986 发表于 2015-10-9 10:24



swimchang| | 2016-9-9 10:04 | 只看该作者
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