The voltage reference generator is used to generate VREF, which can be applied to either comparator
input terminal. The CEREF1x (VREF1) and CEREF0x (VREF0) bits control the output of the voltage
generator. The CERSEL bit selects the comparator terminal to which VREF is applied. If external signals
are applied to both comparator input terminals, the internal reference generator should be turned off to
reduce current consumption. The voltage reference generator can generate a fraction of the device V
of the voltage reference of the integrated precision voltage reference source. Vref1 is used while CEOUT
is 1, and Vref0 is used while CEOUT is 0. This allows the generation of a hysteresis without using external
说的是实现滞回功能,有点难以理解,不过不用这么高级的 功能,先不管它了. |