用周工网上提供的EasyARM_Keil模板里的EasyARM2100在编译时,总是提示如下信息: src\Startup.s(168): warning: A1608W: MOV pc,<rn> instruction used, but BX <rn> is preferred src\Startup.s(210): warning: A1608W: MOV pc,<rn> instruction used, but BX <rn> is preferred compiling main.c... src\main.c(105): warning: #111-D: statement is unreachable linking... Project.axf: Warning: L6305W: Image does not have an entry point. (Not specified or not set due to multiple choices.) Project.axf: Error: L6238E: startup.o(vectors) contains invalid call from '~PRES8' function to 'REQ8' function FIQ_Exception. Project.axf: Error: L6238E: startup.o(vectors) contains invalid call from '~PRES8' function to 'REQ8' function TargetResetInit. Target not created 不知道什么问题?用keil-ads模板也一样 |